Chapter 6: Not expected!

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Brandon was prepared to know who actually she is
On the other hand Blair was not responding any thing.

"What happened George? Why is she not..."said Justin

"I don't know, she is not responding's like she is not getting affected by anything"replied George

"Now?.."said Justin

"It's not going to work on her.....leave her boss"said George

"Leave....she'll know!"

"She doesn't know anything....leave her for now, we'll have to find some other way" said George

"Okay! But you'll be held responsible to find the wizards" said Justin

"Boss! I'll do whatever you say but now it can be dangerous to keep her here...let her go"

"Leave her"


They stopped hypnotizing Blair......she didn't understood a word about what they did....but she still think they are nice because they told her that they were hypnotizing her so that she can get another dream and can aware them but it didn't worked out.....
Brandon was off to London with Riven and Joseph
There he found Blair on his way..

"Hello! Blair right. I am Brandon" said Brandon

"So your name is Brandon....look I don't know who you are...but what happened that day was strange and it happened because of you" replied Blair

"I need to tell you something important please can you spare a moment for me"

"For you! never"

"Just listen......I am a wizard so do they both who are standing with me...where you fainted was not an ordinary was the place from where the kingdom of wizards started and you are also getting it is possible that..."said Brandon

"Wait....what are you saying?, Do you even know what you are talking about? Wizards don't exist!"replied Blair with some confusion

"Whatever I am saying is true and by the way wizards do exist!....I can prove that I am a's strange but you have to believe me .....just think for a moment about what happened with you"

Brandon performed a spell with the help of his wand to prove himself as a wizard. After seeing Brandon performing the spell Blair got scared. In a hurry she said, "I think you are right! I'll see you later I have some work to do"said Blair and ran away quickly

"Okay!"said Brandon
"I never thought she'll understand so quickly, like making someone believe is such a hard task but it wasn't hard at all!" Brandon said to himself

Blair left and Brandon headed towards her house but Blair went back to the office. There first she saw Justin so she told him, "Sir, wizards!"said Blair

"Wizards! I don't know anything about them"

"Not you! When I was back to my way i met a person he just kept telling me that he is a wizard and where I fainted that was a place of wizards! I think so they are frauds! We are in danger.....please can you help me"said Blair

"Of course ...... just tell me everything in detail I 'll record it and show it to the king" said Justin

"Yes of course"replied Blair

Blair started telling him everything and he was listening with eager
On the other hand Brandon reached her house.....he told everything to her parents and asked them to reveal the truth...

"Before I tell you the's important for you to know that you have done a grave mistake by telling Blair......she went somewhere that means that she has gone to tell someone about you..."replied Katherine

"That's exactly what I was thinking that how she agreed with me so soon" said Brandon


"But you need to tell me who is she?,I know you know about this"said Brandon

"None of your matter"said Cory

"SPEAK! know it's important for us" said Brandon

"We don't know either........"screamed Cory

"She is your daughter!"said Brandon

"No she is not, the point is we love her like our daughter"said Katherine


"We found her on the same place where she fainted on 16th of March"

"On that day, king also lost his daughter" said Joseph

"King lost his daughter!"said Brandon

"But she is back that's why she is there"said Riven

"And how do you know she was the real one....?"

"She had the exact same eyes as His Majesty's"said Riven

"Okay.....but Mr and Mrs Cory you really had to make her understand that she is a wizard "said Brandon

"But Brandon how are you confirmed about it?" asked Riven

"I am confirmed in some me and thank you, I shall leave"said Brandon

He left and moved back to his kingdom and after a while Blair returned back home

"Blair! where were you I know your work was over"said her mom

"Yeah I went back cause I saw some wizards so I informed them"

"You know....we are not your real parents"said Katherine

"We found you on the same hills where we celebrate your birthday"said Cory

"What?!"cried Blair

"Yeah but it's different that we loved you more than anything"said Katherine

"It was important to tell you because there is a possibility that you are a wizard"said Cory

"Wait did you met Brandon?"

"Yeah.....and whatever he was telling was correct"

"But wizards are dangerous mom...or" said Blair, she started crying

"Try to handle what if we are not your parents you are still ours"said Katherine

"I Love you mom!"she hugged her mom

"Blair are you dangerous to yourself?!" asked Cory

"No! but why are you asking this dad?"

"That means wizards are not dangerous cause you are also a wizard"said Cory

"If I am really a wizard that means didn't I did wrong by telling the ministers about wizard I even showed them where they are!" said Blair

"Yeah and now you are only the one who can save them"said Cory

"Me! a new comer"

"According to Brandon's vision.....and tomorrow maybe he'll come and if he does behave like a brave wizard" said Cory

"Yes dad!"

Here Blair has realized that she is a wizard and they do exist and on other hand when Brandon informs the king that her parents found her exactly when his daughter was lost. After hearing this Queen became emotional and declared that the present princess was not her daughter. King was in a shock but the present princess has same eyes as the king's so he was not agreeing on this. The princess was trying to convince her mother that she was the one who was lost and now she is the real one and came back. There was a big tragic going on in the king's court but the king seemed relax but the princess seemed to be tensed. To finish off this matter the king declared that he'll see later who is the real princess first they need to save the kingdom and for that Blair should be trained enough to fight the rebels. He chose Brandon because she was familiar with him and was also a very expert wizard as he knows all the techniques of wizards. The princess seem to be calmed after a moment. Then the king commanded Brandon to start his training tomorrow.

But still no one knows, who is the real royal blood, the princess at present or Blair.

To know how will Blair save the kingdom and who is the real princess read further....

Hope you are enjoying.

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