Chapter 13: Oh Noo!

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Blair went back to her home and so did Brandon...
It was late at night....Everyone was sleeping. Brandon was sleeping in his room and he started to see a vision which was...
'He saw Blair....lying on the ground, the time wasn't known then only a physician checked Blair's heart beat and the physician realized that her heart wasn't beating at all! He tried to rub her hands but she didn't woke up. The physician declared Blair as dead, there Brandon saw a letter, he tried to pick it up but before him the king picked the letter. As soon as the king read it his eyes started to shed tears and were widened..but Brandon at that time couldn't read. He took the letter to read...'
Brandon woke up. He couldn't read the letter but the only thing he knew that time was that Blair is about to die, he didn't knew how, why and will she wake later but the only thing he knew that something worse and really worse is going to happen
"Simon! Simon! Where are you? Wake up!"shouted Brandon
"What happened?"replied Simon, entering the room while rubbing his eyes.
"I-I saw a vision! It was horrible..."said Brandon
"What was it? Was it related to you?"replied Simon with real concern
"No, not about me. It was about Blair"
"Ah! Don't worry, everything will be okay" said Simon
"Won't you ask what was it?" said Brandon
"Why are you so scared? What was it?" replied Simon, even he became tensed after realizing how scared Brandon was...
"I saw that...(pause) Blair was dead!"
"What?..... you might have misunderstood, I guess"
"No, our physician declared her dead. The only thing I can't understand is that what was written in that letter"said Brandon
"Which letter?"
"There was a letter beside Blair, the king read it and started crying and also was shocked but I couldn't...well right now I need to hurry" said Brandon
"Hurry! For what?" asked Simon
"I need to go to Blair's house!"
"Right now! It's midnight..."
"I don't care! I need to check on her, atleast once"replied Brandon
"Not now! By the way why are you concerned about her so much?"
"Because...never mind, I am going"said Brandon. He took his coat and wand and ran before Simon could do anything
He rushed into Blair's house which woke Katherine and Cory
They asked him that why was he here so late at night. He didn't answered anthing but he asked them to check at Blair at once. He went with them. He saw Blair sleeping peacefully and seeing her like this, tears shed from his eyes. He wasn't okay and he slowly went back.
Cory knew something was wrong.
The next morning Blair woke up and her parents informed her what happened last night and told her to check at him once.
"No need for that, I am already here"said Brandon by entering the room
"Oh! Today you came early"replied Blair
"Yeah! I woke up early so I came early"said Brandon
"Hmm, I wonder if you slept at night" said Cory
"Well I did, so today is the last day and tomorrow is the battle for that I had to come early as we all are called for training and for perfection" said Brandon by making up his own story
"Oh!, well my little wizard I guess you had to leave" said Cory
"Yes daddy!"
Blair left and Brandon and Blair was on their way..
"So, daddy told me that you came yesterday at the middle of the night! Is everything alright?" said Blair
"Yeah! Of course, what could be wrong? By the way are you feeling alright?"
"I am fine...but why are you asking?"
Blair pushed him and loudly asked him"what is the matter? Just tell me!"
"Nothing, I just want you to be fine!" He said and then just smiled while his tears never left him alone.

To know more....Just keep reading!

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