Chapter 5: Something to Know...

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So as you have read she is getting hypnotized.Approximately 4 minutes are over

"George, what are you doing? it seems like centuries are over..and still.....nothing!"said Justin

"Boss....we are hypnotizing takes time....have some patience"replied George

"By the way boss it's only 4-5 minutes if it would be centuries you may not be standing here'll be in grave"said Jacky

"Keep quiet! don't say a word otherwise you'll be in a grave"

While hypnotizing her. Blair was not speaking a word but she got to know why she fainted......She rememberer when she fainted on her birthday she found the reason why she went missing! She fainted because as they were playing she saw a place and went there..........there she saw a boy who asked her "do you believe in wizards?" and as soon as she heard this she fainted. According to her there was no logic in this but according to him there was some sort of logic who was keeping an eye on her......The one whom she saw was not an ordinary boy......actually he was a wizard.....and the place she fainted from there only the kingdom of wizards start.....

"Brandon come here..........what are you into? Mister Expert!" said his servant Simon, he is really a close one to Brandon and Brandon is that wizard whom Blair saw.

"Simon wait......someone is in danger! or because of her we can be in danger!"said Brandon

"Who is 'her'?"

"I don't know either........but she is the one whom i saw that day........since that day i was keeping an eye on her and now i know who she is and i know why she fainted after seeing me!"

"Oh come on! now please can you tell her name"replied Simon

" that even a name...whatever we need to rush towards the king.....let's go Simon...before it's late"

"But........leave it, let's go!"said Simon

Blair is still getting hypnotized but not speaking a word and here Brandon is going to the king of wizards

"Brandon! what brought you here!?" asked the king

"Your Majesty! someone important to us is in danger.........Blair"

"Blair! who is she?"asked the king

"Your Majesty! I don't know but she is the one who can put us in danger and can also save us. Maybe she is a wizard, she got an exact vision with the same exact time and place. We are only the one who get exact visions and she also fainted when she saw me and also when i asked her does she believe in wizards she fainted and you know what the book of wizards say! it says that "if a wizard doesn't know that it is a wizard and it sees a wizard for the first time it faints!"replied Brandon

"So what can we do?"

"We need to tell her the truth! But still I don't know is she a human transformed into a wizard or a someone from our kingdom"

"But I don't think so she is someone from our one got lost..., no one's daughter got lost here......but why did you spoke to her?"

"Because I got a vision before meeting her, that a girl with golden hair is saving the wizards with wizard techniques and she had same hairs and seem exactly like the one in my vision......... maybe not sure and she is getting hypnotized, if she told that she saw me here then we can be in danger, but"

"If she is a wizard she can't get hypnotized.....they will feel that she is getting hypnotized but she will only remember the things she don't remember"replied the king

"What if she isn't!?"

"We'll see that later..........but she is....if she wasn't she wouldn't have got vision....but it's still possible she isn't......only her mom and dad can confirm us about this"

"How can her parents inform us about this?"

"They must have noticed something in her, something that kept her uneasy, or also some incidents about her"replied the king

"So what shall we do? Shall we go to them?" asked Brandon

"not 'we', 'you'"

"Your Majesty, me!"

"Yeah! Because you are the most expert wizard of our kingdom, you have to go there and ask her mom and dad about her.....force them to reveal the truth......"


"I mean by trying them to convince the truth, if she is a wizard that means they must have noticed something unusual about her.... she is someone from our kind"

"But if the truth is what we are afraid of!..."said Brandon

"don't worry about this and also my two ministers Riven and Joseph, everyday and eveywhere, will also go with you. Now go and prepare your self......only 1 hour in my clock!"

"Your command, my wand!"replied Brandon

To know what happens the next chapter!

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