Chapter 10: The Princess's Request

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After a while Simon came back and informed Brandon that the king wants to meet Blair.
"Are we really going?"asked Blair
"We have to.."replied Brandon
"Don't tell me it's too far"
"Why shall we walk till there if it is too far, we can just reach there with in a minute"said Brandon
"And how is it gonna happen?"said Blair
"Really! You don't know.."said Brandon with a shocked expression
"What is there to get shocked about?"
"Never mind!"
Brandon held her hand and they disappeared from there and reached the court of the king. They were actually outside the court not inside
"Leave my hand!a-and where are we?
"This is the court, court of the king"
"But we were somewhere else... how did you did this without a spell?!"
"We are not magicians to say magic spells everytime...magic is performed even without a magic spell"said Brandon
"Why didn't you taught me this method"said Blair
"Everything is not taught, sometimes our experience teaches us"
"Let's go inside"
They went inside and the king welcomed both of them
"So you are the new wizard?"said the king
"Yes your Majesty"
"Show me your skills!"
Blair took a deep breath and she vanished
"Where did she went?"shouted the king
"You told her to show her skills, she showed"said Brandon
"Then I command her to come back!"
After few seconds she came back
The king was really impressed by Blair's magic. He started questioning her to know the level of her confidence
Suddenly princess entered and interrupted the conversation
"So you are Blair, the one whom everyone thinks that you are the princess"said the princess
"Princess!" Said Blair, she was totally shocked after hearing this

"Look I don't know what you know and what you don't, I don't want to be a princess the thing I need is my parents, I am really sorry that you are an orphan and just look at the co-incidence you were found here only, you are a wizard you are welcomed here but that doesn't mean that you belong to this family, if you want to find your real family I'll find, the whole kingdom will help and till then you are free to live in the castle, but please... don't snatch my family...please"

"I-I am sorry but..." said Blair

"Princess it was my mistake, you belong to this kingdom and will, always please accept my pardon, and by the way she knows nothing about this topic" said Brandon
"It's ok!"said the princess
"Everyone may leave!" Said the king
Everyone left the court
After leaving the court
"What was all this about?"asked Blair
"Ah! Nothing much!when I got to know that you are orphan and you were found on the same day when the king lost his daughter, this all confused me and I came to the conclusion that you are the princess"
"But now I think that she is only the real princess...I was just overthinking"
"Better, now I think I shall leave"
"To my home"
"So soon! I mean why?"
"I met the king that's why, my work here is done"
"What was your work?"
"I was just saying"
"Well I think you shouldn't go.. now you belong here"said Brandon
"And there is no place for me to stay, so please let me go"
"You can come to my home"
"Well, why shall I come to your home, I am not homeless"
"Whatever you wish, but I have to come everyday in the morning again and again"
"You know what, it is better to exercise every morning, better for your health"
"I am healthy enough!"
"I am leaving, by the way, which way do I have to go?"
"Just do the magic, right, like you did in the court"
"I just became invisible"
"I'll drop you" said Brandon

Seems like we all were wrong about the princess
To know more keep reading...

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