April Fool or Blood Pool

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Chris  POV 

So today is April fool and I'm thinking of pranking Moni, Lord have mercy.

I walked in the house and she was in the kitchen cooking. I needed to make her believe me, but ppl please pray for a nigga, cuz I wifed a crazy woman mane.

I went and sat at the island in the kitchen " Baby, I'm gonna tell you something, but please don't get mad" Mane do I really want to do this..... Dope and I decided to prank both they asses and tell them we cheated and got somebody pregnant, but knowing my wife, she go kill me before I get a chance to tell her it's a prank...... remember what happened last time. smh.

" What is it Chris, hope it ain't nothing stupid u did" By now she stopped what she was doing and was looking at me. 

" Well babe, Dope and I went out to this function and we were drinking and socializing when this chick came and we were talking, mane that's all I remember, now she called me and said that she pregnant with my seed" I told her, mane a nigga was scared for his life. This woman is crazy. 

" Christopher, Chris motherf**king soon to be no life, no wife, dead and resurrected and dead again pher. I know damn well u know what I can do right." She was walking to me with a glare. See I told u she go kill me. " I know u don't expect me to say it's cool right I'm gonna kill ur ass." 

She went back to cooking and I wanted so badly to tell her, but I decided against it let's see if I can hold it until after dinner. I went upstairs and messaged Dope, but he didn't reply. 

The plan was on his end, he'll receive a text saying that the person is 1 month pregnant and they weren't aborting the baby. He would say ok I'm gonna leave my wife remember, and then we can start fresh. He go try convince T that he's leaving her and there is someone on the other line when in all honesty, it's one of our home boys. We even have a picture of a model and so to put up and so it can be even more believable. T not as crazy as Moni ass so he might jus get off. I messaged him, but he didn't answer, so I'm guessing he done told her and they must be quarreling. I'll call him after.

Armoni POV 

All I'm gonna say is Chris is a dead man.

Rolando POV 

So I went in the house and met T on the bed laying down. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I messaged D and told him I'm home. I left my pone and went to the bathroom. All I want him to do now is call after he send the last message so she can check it or at least notice that I left my phone..... I hope she check my phone and see the conversation. 

Like right on cue I hear my phone go off. 

Tameka POV

I was laying on the bed when Roa came in the room. He went straight to the bathroom and took a shower, he didn't even acknowledge me. He been behaving a way since yesterday when we came from Moni them house when Ton girl decide that she wanna watch my man like he a television. Lord please don't let me bring out the Caribbean girl.

About 10 minutes after Roa went in the bathroom, his phone rang and a picture of some girl came up, u know I answered, Roa to old for this shit still with his dumbass.

The person hang up, but I realize he had a message and decided to check it, yep I feel like being nosy, cuz it was the same person that called. I realize that he's been having a conversation with her, so I read it. I can't believe this man. He told her, he's going to leave me and move on with her, u see I'm the total opposite to Moni, u may say call Moni to deal with him, but I will deal with him. I'm a little more deadly than Moni, cuz I don't talk, I jus do action.

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