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Armoni POV

So I know everybody asking why I shoot him, well first off he never told me he had a brother so that's for the shot in his arm and the second one is for letting me sleep in a hotel room for a whole night. You may say it's stupid, but I think it's not, so f**k off. Anyway after 2 days he's finally coming out. I didn't shoot him to tear anything just to give him a scar lol. I love my baby and he loves me, but he know not to play those games again. For the pass 2 days Chrystian and I have been getting close and I can say we starting a very good relationship as in laws. He's a real cool guy. I told him he could say with us for a while, Chris and I are hardly home so why not. Just until he gets back on his feet. I may ask T to hook him up, talking about T, she having a shoot today, maybe we can go through so he can see if he likes it or nah.

" Are you ready baby" Chris playing Mr. I'm so angry with you, since I told him why I shot him. I'll make it up to him when we get home before Chrys come back.
He went out to the mall or something like that.

"Yh," He look so cute when he's mad at me. Lol :) He knows he love me.

" Chris, before we go I need to know we cool. Are we cool baby?" He jus stale faced me and continue packing his bag. I did most of the work already. All Dr. Thomas had to do was prescribe pain meds and sign off that he's fit to go back home. Chris behaving like I aimed to kill him or something. Damn, I shot him and now we can put that behind us.

They discharged the fool and now one of the male nurse pushing him out in a wheel chair. He only had clutches because he said he wants to be able to move around on his own. The wounds would heal in 2 weeks, so I don't know why he's behaving like a bitch.

He went in the car and I decided that I'll play the I'm mad at you card to, so I got in the driver's seat and start the car. We pulled off and head home. About 20 mins we made it there. I got out the car and left him there and head inside. He managed to get out the car because I heard the door close then the front door open. I went up to our room.

I was in the shower taking a bath when I heard the door open, when I looked it was no other than Chris, well taking off clothes coming in the shower with me.

" You know I love u right?," he asked me wrapping his arms around my waist. I jus nod my head as he spoke. " So then and therefore, I would never and I mean never do anything to hurt u. Not intentionally that is. Babe I love u from the first time I saw until now I still love you girl, u're my inspiration, my motivation, my dedication, the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. Even though u tried to kill a nigga for no apparent reason. I know ur ass was crazy, but babe not that crazy. But I love u still, u're my crazy lady and I love u." Although he damaged he still lift me up and pinned my ass against the wall.

Chris beat my pussy left right and centre * blush. After we were finish we took and bath and now he's down here helping me cook, how sweet. I love my baby.

"Babe, I have a confession to make" I turned to Chris as he sat at the island chopping the onions and sweet peppers for me to put in the meat loaf.
" Mookie, if u dare tell me u f**k another nigga when I was in the hospital. I know for a fact that u ain't go live after cuz I'ma put a cap in ur ass then go torture that nigga til he beg me to die. Don't play with me girl" I wanted to laugh so bad....... oh hell I bust out laughing crying and stuff, just looking at his limp ass cussing like he can do anything about it.

" Chris, shut ur ass up. I jus want to say I kinda glad that I shot u, cuz now we can finally go to Antigua so u can see where I come from. That would make me really happy." He started laughing along with me.

" yh, u wanna go back. Ok then let's do it. I'll just leave Smokey in charge until we get back. We'll talk about it later." the rest of the time we just cooked in silent and every now and again Chris would do somethin stupid and we would laugh it off.

We finished cooking and I sent Chris to set the table, as I was in the kitchen I heard the front open and I know someone came through the door. I thought it was Jay, but it was Chrys. He came in the kitchen and greeted me then went upstairs to go get ready for dinner as I told him I guess, but whatever, it ain't none of my business.

Chrys POV

Man, Armoni needs to stop wearing these clothes around the house man. Chris needs to buy her some long granny dresses and nun looking clothes, cuz she be turning a nigga head every time I see her. Yh, she and I been getting close, but I'm jus taking my time for Chris to actually slip up. If I had known that his precious Mookie body was that right then u best believe I would continue to let her believe that, that baby is for Chris's ass lol. I know I'm a bad bother right? Nope! You see Chris was born 10 minutes after me so I'm the big one. Since we were smaller....that is in the same homes we would do a switch every time. I always gave Chris the ugly bitches and he had to give me the cute ones. Yep, life ain't fair, but u see he was second so I deserve the best all the time and the ugly bitches are not even last, back then he was a little punk and I'm sure he still is. Anyway I'm gonna go take a shower to get back to Armoni's sexy ass. I don't want her to be in a relationship with me, I just need a quick nut and I know just how I'm gonna get it. Yep, she's gonna climb on my anacanda as it reach all her body lol. Get out of here!

Chris POV

Man, lewisgirl, come back to me in ur next chapter cuz I'm grubbing now so bye! Bye felisha!

Tameka POV

Hey, u haven't heard from me in a while. I guess lewisgirl didn't have any drama in my life so for now I'm just being calm. I had a shoot today for my casual line. The old ladies at the church have a lot to say when both Roa and I go. For me it's worst, for Roa he's they're like "oh he was a thug before and praise the Lord he found him." I choose not to remove my tattoos even though Roa removed the ones off his neck, he still had the others. My baby has grown into a big time pastor and I think he likes it more than me, but it's cool he still give me the best head and dick, so ain't no complaining here lol. He came today also, he took a pic of me when I was posing for my last dress and when he was finish he put it as his wallpaper. I think he got me feeling like that 17 yr old again. Life is nice and everything is going great. Mookie still crazy, Chris still trying to cope and my babies are growing up so fast. Mani told me she and Jay doing good and I guess Rome and his girl doing good to. She don't really talk to me so I never really try to get to know her, makes it even better if she slip up I'll have no problem hopping her ass. Bye guys, see u another time. Muaaah!

Unknown POV

Hello, have any of u ever wonder why Ya ya and Tony are not mentioned? Well maybe after I drop the bomb on u all assess then u will know why. Tameka have something coming her way. Not everyone that is around u is ur friend. Not every nice smile means that the person is nice also. Watch ur back TT and this time my plan is bond to work.

U know what to do

Live, love, pray, laugh.♡♥♡

Tameka in MM
It's not much but it's enough to lead to the next event.

From A Thug to a Preacher (Sequel to FFACG)Where stories live. Discover now