Horses, Horses, and more.. Boys?

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My life revolved around horses. Horses where my world. While other girls had boys and expensive clothes, I had horses and stable boots. I guess you'll be wanting to know my name. My name is Jessie. I'm 16 and live in Wyoming. We owned 3 dogs, a cat, a chinchilla, and a Ball Python.

Our dogs names are Chevy, Splash, and Rain. Chevy is a German Shepherd, Splash is a Golden retriever, and Rain is a Rottweiler.

The cats name is Mandy, the Chinchillas name is Coconut, and the ball pythons name was Henry.

Now I know what your thinking. god she's running a zoo. But I have three brothers. My brother Garret owned Henry, the snake, My brother Jason owned Rain, My brother Eric owned Mandy, and Chevy and Splash where mine. I had always wanted a horse though.

My mom and Dad said if when we moved, there was a barn I could get some horses. I wanted a Tennessee walker and a Missouri Fox Trotter.

We where moving in two weeks and I was gonna have to leave my friends behind. I was still going to be in Wyoming but I would be an hour away from my friends and my life.

I packed up my hat, boots, and stable clothes and put them in the car. That was it. The house was empty. I walked back inside and looked at the empty rooms on the first floor. The only room that looked normal was the kitchen. I walked up the winding staircase and into what I once called my room. Walking through the empty house felt like tearing off a small piece of my heart and tacking it onto the front door. Somehow I felt I'd be back in this house not to long from now.

I walked back to the car, saying goodbye to the house my brothers and I where raised in. This would always be home. My Home. My brothers stood next to me. we all stared at the empty house in silence. This was the place where I pretended to be a princess with my knight in shining armor.

Where I thought that mermaids, unicorns, and ferocious dragons where real. I grabbed the keys to my car and I climbed in. I drove to the stable I'd been riding at since I was 5. I said goodbye to Chance, the pony I rode until I was 12. Then I walked to her stall. She poked her head over and let me pet her. "Oh Clarity, I'm gonna miss you girl." I whispered.

She merely nickered back to me. I gave her a carrot, a suger cube, and a goodbye kiss. I walked back to the car and drove back to my brothers and my waiting parents. When I got there, I loaded Splash and Chevy into my car and I followed my parents and my brothers to our new house. Gerret was 19, Jason was 12, and Eric was 8.

Jason and Eric rode with my parents and Gerret and I drove our cars behind them. Chevy liked laying in the back seat so Splash sat in the front seat. I was ready to see my new home.

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