Chapter 1

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Lena's P.O.V:
Present time
    I ran home from school, yelling 'excuse me's' to the people who were walking down the street. I tugged my jacket closer to me, the cold air biting at my nose and fingers. My boots sloshed through the snow on the ground, nearly slipping on the ice.
   "Oh, dad's gonna kill me, he's gonna KILL me! I'm so late." I muttered to myself. My dad was very overprotective and oh so dramatic. When my house came into view, I blew out a deep breath. Let's just get this over with, I thought to myself.
    I knocked on the wooden door, and it swung open, showing a very flustered father of mine.
    His face was red, his 6'2" towering over my 5 foot. Did I mention most werewolves were tall? Yeah all of them were except for me, obviously.
   "Where were you?! I was so worried." He lifted me up and hugged me tightly, squeezing me till I couldn't breathe. "Dad, can't breathe! I'm too young to die!" He sat me back down and ushered me into the house, grabbing my coat from my hands.
   "Where were you Lena?" My father scolded me. I bit my lip, feeling guilty for worrying my father so badly. "Sorry dad, but I had to stay a little late in town because I had to get this for you."
  Today was my father's birthday and he was turning 34. He had been talking about needing a wrist watch, his having broken while 'working.' My father's eyes softened when I pulled it out of my bag.
   "Oh Lena, you didn't have to." He smiled at me, and hugged me tightly. When he let go, he told me that supper was ready. I walked into the kitchen and, grabbing a plate, shoveled mashed potatoes, pork loin, and green beans onto my plate.
   After eating, I went upstairs and took a shower, getting dressed for bed. My father walked into my bedroom and gave me a kiss on my head and told me good night.
   I fell asleep to the sound of snow falling against my window and wolves howling. The next morning I woke up to the sound of chuckling. I opened one eye, seeing my father leaning over me with a pile of pancakes.
   "What is this?" I sat up in bed, my white band shirt hanging off my shoulders.
   "Well since I'm not gonna get to be here for your birthday, and I'm leaving tomorrow, I thought I might do something for you before I left."
   I hugged my dad's neck and said thank you. When he left for work, I just laid in bed because I didn't have school. I looked at my phone to see Maybelle's number and a text in my notifications. I'm bored, and I wanna do something! Let's go shopping. I giggled at her text and told her to meet me at the Cadburd mall.
   When I got out of my car, Maybelle came running over to me and jumped on my back."God I was so bored! I am forever indebted to you." She sighed. When she stood up, she was 5'8". She had long golden locks of hair, with high cheek bones and a model form.
   We walked inside and went to the Miller's place. "Oh girl, this will totally kill with your body!" Maybelle held up a black stretch-silk maxi dress."May, where am I gonna wear that?" I grabbed it from her hands.
   "Come on! Just try it on. You never know, you might change your mind." May pushed me into the small  dressing room and left me, giggling. I looked in the mirror, and slipped my skinny washed-out jeans down my hips and pulled my black Pink Floyd shirt over my head.
   When I slipped the dress on, I gasped. The black dress hugged my curves and slightly showed my cleavage. When I stepped out, May was talking to Kaden and Jeff. I had just turned around to head back inside the dressing room when Jeff called my name.
   Oh God, please help me."Hey Lena." Jeff rolled my name off his tongue, smirking when I turned around."Well, if it isn't Miss Daddy's girl." Kaden and Jeff laughed at my scowl, hi-fiving each other for the reaction they got from me.
   When I thought things couldn't POSSIBLY get worse, Derick Brayburn walked out from the Men's room. THE Alpha's son. The biggest womanizer of all time, and, unfortunately, the guy I liked.
   Couldn't have gotten any worse. May came over to my side and elbowed me in the ribs. "Get a load of him." My face went red as Derick's eyes roamed down my body, not too discretely, causing tingles to settle over my skin.
   My wolf, Olga, was dormant, but stirred slightly and purred. What's with you? I mindlinked her. She just huffed at me and went back to her hiding spot.
   Derick had just turned 19 about 3 months ago, and was as handsome as ever. His black hair was kept short, his blue eyes, like glaciers, twinkled with mischief. 
   He was tall, 6'7", and had to tilt his head down to talk to her. His jaw, which was covered in stubble, was well pronounced but wasn't too sharp. Derick's lips, all pink and lucious, were curved into a smirk.
   "What a hotty... Hmmm. Too bad she's a goody two shoes, otherwise I would have already screwed her." Derick and his friends laughed, obviously thinking the statement was funny. When they stopped laughing, Derick turned to May and I. "Why aren't you two laughing?" What a douche.
   "It might have been because it wasn't funny." I piped up, seeing the anger pass across his face. "Ah she's getting smart, Derick. She's got a mouth on her!" Kaden and Jeff both were sitting in chairs, watching the scene unfold.
   "Yeah, excpetially for someone talking to the Alpha's son." Derick grumbled, but started smirking again. He walked over to me and May, being the supportive friend she was, note the sarcasm, stepped over to Jeff and Kaden.
   Derick grabbed my face and pulled me to him."The thing about you, though, is your daddy keeps you locked up." His face was so close to mine, our breath mingling, that I could see every detail of his face. His eyes were trained on my lips, going dark with some unknown emotion. Lust,anger?
   Derick's lips were a mere inch from mine, Olga's tail wagging to the beat of my heart. His breath was hard and shallow, hot against my face.
   He closed his eyes for a moment, catching his breath, and then he leaned into my ear and whispered, "I'm gonna get you Lena, if it's the last thing I do." Derick's eyes flicked open and his lips curved up into a smirk.
   "And that's not a threat, that's a promise." Derick turned around and told Kaden and Jeff to go with him. Before they left, Derick turned around and winked at me. And with that, he was out the door.
   A/N: I know it's going a little slow isn't it? But it's gonna get interesting in one or two chapters. It's gonna hit the ceiling.

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