Chapter 3

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Derick's P.O.V:
My father had called me to his office after I got home from the mall, where Annaka had caused a huge scene about how I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying.
I reached my dad's door and knocked on the door, twice. On the other side, I heard shuffling and a gruff voice call through the wood. "Come in." I pulled the door open and walked in.
The room was spacious, with black walls, a white hearth with intricate scrawlings across it, and white marble floors. His father was sitting behind a large mahogany desk with his fountain pens and paper sitting in front If him.
"Father." My father looked up, and steepled his fingers together and sat them on his desk. His eyes narrowed and he nodded his head to the chair behind me.
I sat down, and stared my father down. "Where is your mate, Derick?" My father's voice was accusing, his eyes blazing with anger. I rolled my eyes mentally, he just couldn't get off my back,could he?
"I don't know, Dad." He clenched his jaw and growled. He stood up and shoved his chair back, screeching against the floor in the process. He walked around the desk and grabbed my face, his anger evident in his eyes.
"I don't like the fact that every fucking father is coming to me, telling me that my son is sleeping with their daughters! Except for sweet Lena, you've already screwed the entire pack! What happened to my son, what caused you to be this way?"
My father's face was red from yelling and his face was streaked with tears. My wolf Raiden was whining, obviously upset with my decision to not save myself for my mate. "Father, she might not even be born yet, or of age. Why are you angry?"
My father waved me off, whispering for me to leave. I stood up and walked to the the door, but before I could open it, he stopped me. "I have pity for whoever your mate is. Goddess have mercy on her soul."
Lena's P.O.V:
"What was that about?" I was in my bedroom and Maybelle was spending the night, tomorrow being my birthday. She turned to me from her popcorn and smirked at me.
"Oh I don't know, might be he liked you?" May winked at me, laughing at my flushed face. I threw a pillow at her, barely missing her. "He doesn't like anyone remember, just screws around and then leaves."
It's sad but true. Every girl has slept with him, except for me and May of course. May looks at me weirdly then looks to the cieling. She bites her lip and looks like she's contemplating on something. May then looks back at me, her eyes sad and slightly strained.
"On your birthday, tomorrow, I have to tell you something, really important." I shrug my shoulders and lean back on my bed. "Okay." After our talk, May turns on the television and puts it on That 70's show and I fall asleep to the quiet snoring of May.
The next morning, I am abruptly woken up to someone jumping up and down on the bed, causing me to flounce around. I moan and roll over, pulling the blanket with me and over my head.
"May, go back to sleep. It's to earllyyyy." The jumping stops and May pulls the cover off my head, leaving me blinded by the sunlight pouring through the open window.
"Rise and shine, sweetness! You are 16 years old and it's actually 12:00 in the afternoon so get up!" She leaves my view and suddenly pushes me off the bed. I land on the floor with a thud and an 'ooph'.
"I'm up, okay?I'm up!" Rolling out off the blanket, I stand and get in the shower. While I massage my temples with my shampoo, I wonder what May was talking about, her needing to tell me something.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, steam billowing behind me, I went to my walk-in closet and grabbed the black dress I bought yesterday. Slipping my undergarments on and pulling the dress over my head, I stepped out of the closet.
May was standing by the bed, looking through her purse. When she turned around, she wolf whistled, her eyes traveling up and down my outfit to the heels I chose to finish the ènsamble.
May hooked her arm through the crook in my arm and led me out of the room and down the stairs. I grabbed my purse and slammed the door behind me.
"Where are you taking me?" I moaned, still very grumpy and sleepy. She looked at me, a devilish smirk on her face, revealing her intentions.
"We're going shopping and I'm picking out your clothes." Later, after we arrived at the mall, I was holding five bags full of clothes, all bought by May. Did I mention she was rich? Filthy rich.
May stopped in front of me, causing me to run into her. "What is it May?" I stepped out from behind her and saw what she was so fixed on.
"No, oh no, no, no, no. You have to be kidding me, no." May grabbed me by the shoulders and steered me into the... spa. It's not that I don't like going to the spa, it's just the fact that when I go with May, I have to get the entire thing done, makeup and all.
An hour later, I'm primmed and pampered like a little princess, with my nails and makeup done. May even got them to curl and style my hair. When I stepped out of the spa, I was feeling refreshed and confident.
May jumped in the car and drove down the road to her house. Mansion more like it. The time read 7:00 and I was really surprised that we spent that much time in the mall.
All the lights were off when we arrived at her house, which was really odd for the William's estate. "Um, May?" She waited for me at the door, her eyes shining with humor. I walked towards her, not knowing what to expect. When she opened the door the lights flicked on and everyone screamed surprise.
My eyes went wide.

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