Chapter 7

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Lena's P.O.V:
   After Derick pulled me out of the pool, I walked to my car. I slipped in and waved at Derick as he stood at the gate. After I drove off, what happened earlier finally settled in. My mate is Derick, a cocky womanizer.
   My head spun, the reality of my situation coming to light. I pulled up to my house, jumping out of my car. Unlocking the door, I reach up and flick the light on, throwing myself on the white couch in my living room.
   I touched my lips subconsciously, slightly swollen from his kiss. Olga, filled with a burst of energy, yipped and whined. You wanna go for a run? Olga seemed to nod her head at my suggestion.
   Folding my clothes, I set them down near a tree. My skin shone in the moonlight, and I shifted. Olga shook her golden fur, her blue eyes shimmering with excitment.
   She was big, although small by werewolf standards, she was about 8 hands high and had a shiny coat. Olga looked up and howled at the moon, taking off into the forest.
   Her huge paws covered the ground with breakneck speed. I felt free, but Olga stopped abruptly, ears twitching and eyes searching for the cause of the snow crunching beneath feet.
   After a while a huge black wolf appeared in the clearing, moonlight streaming through his coat where you could see a red tint to the fur. His eyes were redish copper, staring intently at Olga.
   Then he walked up to her, and barked. Olga took off, bounding like a puppy through the trees. The wolf, his name unknown, followed behind.
Derick's P.O.V:
    After I saw Lena to her car, I walked through the gate back to the house. When I stepped through the front door, May was no where to be seen. Good, I hope she's upset, she hurt our mate.
    Raiden growled at the memory of Lena's eyes, all red and puffy from crying. Lena didn't deserve to be sad, but I couldn't love her. I mean, I can, but I won't. I may be selfish, but I know she deserves better than me.
   I can only hurt her, and I didn't want to. I mentally shook my head. Where is the Derick I used to be? I'm the fucking Alpha's son and I've slept with many different girls, and broke many of their hearts because they could never learn.
   And I wouldn't hesitate to hurt Lena. Would I? The idea didn't sit too well with Raiden but I shoved the feeling away. I couldn't show any emotion. I wouldn't show emotion.
    No more than three minutes after I walked in, Annika and her friends strutted over to me. She sat in my lap and rubbed her hands over my shoulders and down my arms.  Then she winked at me suggestivley and nodded to the stairs.
   Disgust and rage were clear in my eyes and I shoved her off me. Annika stood in front of me and pouted, but it didn't work with me. I stalked off, not wanting to see that disgusting pack whore anymore.
   "Babbyyy," she drawled, "You know you want it." I turned, and growled at her. "I don't want something that's been used by multiple people." Shock and hurt crossed through her eyes, not expecting my outburst.
   Annika walked up to me and poked me in the chest. "We are done. I hope you're happy. You'll never find someone like me." She smirked, thinking she had accomplished some damage to my ego.
   I laughed. "We were never a thing. You were just a fuck, and I never felt for you in any way." Her eyes went wide and they were glazed with tears. "You, you don't mean that baby."
   I smirked. Won't a girl ever learn? "I mean every word I say to you." I turned and left her standing by the table, her face white and tears streaming down her face.
    For some reason, I felt powerful and I was never going to change. I drove to my house and stripped my clothes so I could go for a run. Raiden was getting impatient and I couldn't deny him the luxury.
   I shifted and Raiden shook his coat, taking off through the woods, feeling the wind in his fur.
   Then he caught a smell and he followed the scent, leading to a beautiful wolf with golden fur that caught the light shining from the moon. Her blue eyes glowed with excitement and she took off.
   Raiden followed, tongue hanging out of his mouth while he ran, feeling free. My little mate. I chuckled internally. I ran after her and followed her into the grove that was full of flowers and had a little lake in the far part.
   Lena and her wolf stopped an turned. "My name," she yipped, "is Olga." Raiden barked and nodded his head. "Your name is Raiden." Olga cocked her head and sniffed the air. "You are my mate." Her eyes dilated and she bounded around the field, looking back every few minutes.
   "I better get going. You know how strict Lena's father is, even when he's not here." Raiden nodded his head and ran with her back to her house. Raiden wasn't listening to me and wouldn't turn and go back. He waited till Olga had shifted and turned.
   Lena was in a large white shirt that came to her knees. She walked up to Raiden and touched his fur.
Lena's P.O.V:
   Raiden, Derick's wolf, was still standing there when I shifted. I walked up to him and slowly raised my hand to his face. He leaned his forehead to mine and stared into my eyes.
   I saw hurt and hidden pain in his eyes, mirroring Derick's. Only this time his eyes weren't guarded but were open and so easy to read. "I'll never let anyone hurt you, ever again."

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