Chapter 12

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Lena's P.O.V:
   It's over. That's what I keep thinking as the monstrosity walks around the chair I'm tied to, sniffing me a few times. Finally, he stops moving and all the sound is coming from the still raging storm outside.
   "You smell so nice." I'm tied to the chair I'm sitting on so I can't fight anything it does. I watch in horror as it reaches it's hand up to my face, the claws lightly pressing into my flesh.
   My breathing speeds up when it leans in. I can feel it's breath on my lips and it's face is so close. Then it whispers so me, it's lips almost brushing mine.
   "I've got your little mate." it whispers sing songly. My breath hitches and I start. "Where is he? Where is Derick?" The beast smirks and pulls back, placing a clawed hand in my hair and twisting it in.
   "Ahhh! Let me go!" I yell and thrash about on the chair but it's hand keeps me in place. It tsks at me and puts a pale finger to my lips. "Shhhh. Or you won't get him back." I still, feeling the weight of the threat.
   It smirks and pats my head with the hand that he silenced me with. "Good girl. I knew you would learn. Now, if you want him back, you must say something for me."
   I squirm slightly, getting uncomfortable. I waited in trepidation, wanting to hear the words that would come out of it's mouth as it unfurls the hand it had wrapped in my hair.
   "I want you to say... That you are bound to me." My eyes go wide, and I am confused as to why?
   I'm about to ask why when the beast silences me with a long finger. Leaning down to my ear, it whispers airily. "Do you want him back?"
   I sigh, feeling defeated. I close my eyes and try to gather my wits around me but I can't feel Olga, hiding out from the storm. I slump forward, and say the appeasing words.
   "I'm bound to you." I lift my head and the beast shivers in  ecstasy. Smirking it walks over to me and bends down.
   "Bound to me and to him." In a blink of an eye, it's gone and I'm untied. Leaping up from the chair, I run down the stairs.
   On the couch is Derick, still sleeping, still with that pained expression. I run to him, and wrap him in my arms. My breathing is rapid and tears are in my eyes. I whimper and draw him closer.
   "I... I thought I l..lost you." I nuzzle my head into his chest and cry. After a while, I feel arms wrap around me and I look up.
   Derick isn't awake, but he looks peaceful. When I'm done crying I lay down on the other couch and lay down. The stressful day is weighing down on me and I find myself falling asleep.
Derick's P.O.V:
    I wake up in an unfamiliar room but I can tell it's her home because of the scent. I'm on a couch and I roll over and stand,Lena's small body coming into view. She looks so peaceful and laying there, I find she looks like an angel.
    My head pangs and I nearly fall. I sit back on the couch. Oh, pretty boys awake. My breathing is heavy and I rock my body lightly to try and ease the pain. She bargained for you, you know.
   My eyes widen and I look at her. "Wh..what did she bargain?" The beast chuckles and whispers. She bound herself to me to keep you safe. No no no. I lay down, the pain becoming too much and not just physical but emotional.
   I close my eyes and the blinding pain is torture. I groan but remember that Lena isn't too far away. The beast doesn't care.
   Suddenly, the pain is gone, replaced by warmth and I feel my head lift up and be placed on something soft. Barely opening my eyes, I see a shadow of a woman. She's whispering warm words that are filled with love.
   Sighing in pure bliss, I close my eyes and fall into a restful stress free slumber.
Lena's P.O.V:
   As I play with Derick's hair which is in my lap, I feel a warmth in my heart. I smile adoringly at him, and continue running my fingers through his hair.
   Suddenly, a voice speaks and I'm confused for a moment, only realizing that it's the beast. My eyes widen further when I realize that its in my head.
   So innocent. Such loveliness. The voice is hushed, like naughty words that one says in whispers to their lover in the night. How are you talking to me? It chuckles and the sound reverberates in my head.
    You are bound to me. It whispers, somehow sounding seductive in the process of saying the words. Derick stirs in my lap, slightly frowning. The beast cackles. Don't you know what it means to be bound?
   It chuckles, realizing I don't. Derick sits up abruptly and stares at me through confused eyes. Then his blue eyes change to the color of red, the color of the beast.
   It smirks as it pins me under Derick's body, and he leans down very slowly. "It's the same thing as a mate bond, but ten times stronger." He trails his fingers up and down my arms, sending an electric shock to my core.
   The intensity of the sensation is awe inspiring. "Why?" is the only word I can get through my mouth as my breathing speeds up. He nuzzles his face into my neck and bites down.
   "So it makes it oh so harder for him to stay away." My eyes widen and I break the trance. Pushing him away, I sit up. "Why would he want to.." The beast in Derick's body puts a finger to my lips.
  "It's to protect you from me. But it's too late for that." Leaning away, he smirks. He looks so much like Derick. The only difference is the Derick leaks dominance in any room but the beast, Reggen, leaks cockiness and danger.
The bond that she has with Riggen is like.... Uh how to explain. It's different from a mate bond because It's stronger. And uhh... I had a point.. Oh their bond is UNBREAKABLE. Like the mate bond can be broken but This is till death. And if they are away from each other for A WHILE they have this excruciating pain and heat spreads through their bodies. I don't know where it came from.
  I made it up..... Tell me if you like it (my idea) or nah.

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