Wtf u mean 4get it

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Ray: U so funny

Jazzy: Am serious

Ray:.....................WTF U MEAN

Jazzy: Am not bout to do that (lays on Ray) Sorry

Ray eye start twitching

Jazzy: Ray ,Ray, u ok


Jazzy: Ok ur scaring me now (gets up and runs to the room and locks the door)

Jazzy calls Ray

Jazzy: Ray u ok

Ray: If u ain't gonna let me am gon Rape yo ass

Phone hangs up Jazzy run in the bathroom and lock the door and hide in the shower

Jazzy hear Ray coming up the stairs

He unlock the door with a needle he had

Ray: Baby where are you am not gon hurt u (opens the closet and then goes to the bathroom) now I kno where u are

Ray: (open the door) u thought you locked it huh (opens shower door) Hey baby y u hiding from me

Jazzy: Ray leave me alone

Ray: (takes off belt) whats wrong

Jazzy: (runs out bathroom but Ray had lock the door where she couldn't get out) Wtf Wrong with the damn door

Ray: (Grabs her) Baby don't be scared I love u (throws her on the bed), STRIP NOW

Jazzy: No I-I ain't doing that

Ray: What ....u kno what(Rips her clothes off) C YO ASS B PLAYING WITH ME AND I TOLD U AM NOT THE ONE TO PLAY WITH


Ray:(Takes all her clothes off and licks her up and down) Come on baby give daddy what he want

Jazzy: (Moaning) Fuck

Ray: Yep (gets on top of her and kiss her neck) Come on baby louder

Jazzy: (grabs ray arm ) Plz Ray stop

Ray: yea when I start (licks her (1) )

Jazzy: Damn Ray (puts arch in her back)

3hrs past and it was 2:00p.m. Jazzy was laying on Ray

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