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Roc: I didn't wear a shirt today

Loyal: (running after Ray) RAY AM GON KILL U

Ray: Plz don't

Somebody knock on the door

Jazzy: I got it (opens door)

???: Jazzy am here lol

Jazzy: Jazzy u made it

Ray: Huh

Jay: Ray, this is Jasmine

Am gon call Ray girlfriend Jay and the other Jazzy

Jazzy: Hi I help this one thru everything

Ray: O cool


Jay: Yep am back

Jessica: Who is this

Jay: This is Jasmine

Jessica: Hi am Jay older sister

Jazzy: O am her Army sister

Jay: Yep

Jazzy: My arm hurt

Jay: I got a scar on mine

Kenzie: Ooooooo I wanna see

Jay: Fa what

Jazzy: I got one on my wrist too

Ray: How y'all get scars

Jay: Well I almost got shot so I just fell down and I end up hitting a rock

Jazzy: I was running and I fell

Kenzie: Dang man I kno that hurt

Jay: Not really

Jazzy: Mine did

Jessica: Well let us see it

Jazzy: Hell no

Jay: (pulls up sleeve)

Ray: Damn it half way took up yo whole arm

Jay: No it doesn't hers do

Jazzy: Shut up

Jazzy and Jay walked outside

Jay: We made it thru

Jazzy: Yep who was that dude with the 2 long braids

Jay: My boyfriend Y

Jazzy: O cuz he look likes u

Jay: Y does everybody say that no he doesn't

Jazzy: Y u denying it u don't wanna look like yo Boyfriend

Jay: He doesn't look like me (goes to truck)

Jazzy: U denying yo own boyfriend

Jay: No am not

Jazzy: Just say it

Jay: I look like him

Jazzy: Thank u

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