Y I let u go

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Jazzy: Am 19

Ray: (Gets up) I like yo tattoos

Jazzy: Yea ..... well bye

Ray: (grabs her hand) Y I let u go

Jazzy: Idk u tell me

Ray: I just wanted a girl that didn't act like a baby

Jazzy: Ok I was but u didn't know what I was going to do after but I don't care anymore

Ray: I see that now

Jazzy: The only reason I was acting like that was cuz am a virgin

Ray: Wait what

Jazzy: Since I done changed am a  virgin

Ray: ....................... (talking to himself) Man I wanna fuck u

Jazzy: Ray u ok

Ray: (lets her go) huh

Jazzy: Nun me bout to leave , bye Ray (walks out the room)

Ray: Where u going

Jazzy: Home duh

Ray: O ok

Jazzy: Yea (phone rings) Hello

Mommy: Hey I wanna gon head and get Kay shots too and my sister wanna c her too tell her to come on outside

Jazzy: Ok (hangs up) Kay u bout to go wit mom's

Kay: Mannn ok (walks outside)

Jazzy: (walks back up the steps) Aye .... What r u doing

Ray: Nothing

Jazzy: Lair what's behind ya back

Ray: What u talking bout

Jazzy: U kno damn well what am talking bout (walks towards him)

Ray: move back man

Jazzy: what do u have behind yo back

Ray: My phone

Jazzy: if its yo phone y u hiding it from me

Ray: cuz it's my phone and I don't want you to c it

Jazzy: Let me c (sits on his bed)

Ray: Y

Jazzy: Cuz you hiding some from me

Ray: (pulls out phone) My phone

Jazzy: Ok (cough cough)

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