U had some else

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Jazzy: Ok (cough cough)

Ray: What all was my phone

Jazzy: U don't have to lie Ray

Ray: Am not lying to you (his sleeve falls down)

Jazzy: Is that a tattoo ...????!!! Oooooooooo Am Telling (grabs phone)

Ray: Give me the fucking phone (snatches the phone) And u won't get this back

Jazzy: Bet if I don't get it back I'll snitch like a three year old girl

Ray: get the phone (throws it on the bed)

Jazzy: (Gets phone and runs downstairs) Am finna snitch

Ray: (runs after her) Stop playing man

Jazzy: U 18 Ray (trips over toy and falls on back) Fuck that hurt

Ray: So am still living with my mama she said whateva I do Tay gon do

Jazzy: Awwwwwww (gets up and lays on couch ....phone rings)

Jazzy: Hello

Mommy: U just wait

Jazzy: What I do

Mommy: Ya got on them shorts and that cut up shirt and them piercings and tattoos Now Kay want some

Jazzy: What u want me to do

Mommy: As long as Ray don't get nun

Jazzy: (Gets nervous) huh yea

Mommy: Does Ray have any tattoos Dont lie to me

Jazzy: Yes Yes he do

Mommy: Both of y'all going to have a talk with me and my sister today so go home and put on some comfortable clothes and come back to the house (hangs up)

Ray: What she say

Jazzy: We gon have a talk

Ray: Fuck man u should've lied

Jazzy: Am not a lie_yer like u

Ray: anyway where u going for ur birthday

Jazzy: Don't worry bout that

Ray: plz tell me cuz my friends/Brothers wanna meet u

Jazzy: Hell No

Ray: My mama don't care really its gon b a 15minute talk

Jazzy: ya auntie coming

Ray: 5 minute talk .....plz

Jazzy: ok But my friends coming cuz I don't trust all Y'ALL niggas at the same time (phone rings)

Jazzy: Yesssssss

Mommy: Y'all grown and its yo birthday so 4get the talk I was just playing lol have fun love ya

Jazzy: Awwww love ya too (hangs up)

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