Man stop

99 2 0

Jay start doing the donut with the rear tires this time

Jason: How she kno how to do this shit but I dont

Jay: (stops) OMG how the fuck I do that (gets out of truck)

Jason: Who taught u how to do it with the back tires

Jay: I just put it in reverse and turned the front wheel I didn't mean to do it

Justin: On my life u got to teach me how to do that

Jay: Okay am bout to go (gets in truck and pulls off Fast)

Jaylen: Man y'all lets go

They all caught up with her

Jay: (drives off fast)

Jaylen: Y tf she driving so fast

Jay: Boy am dranking then I fill the tub up halfway then ride it with my surfboard x2

Justin: (starts driving fast)

Jay: (stops at gas station and goes in and pay for some gas)

Everybody stopped at the gas station

Jay: (filling gas tank up)

Jaylen: (gets out of truck) Y r driving so fast

Jay: cuz I want to (takes pump out and starts playing Can't Raise A Man)

Kenzie: She gon b deaf

Jay: (starts truck) have fun bye (does a U turn and starts playing Stoner)

Jaylen: Man I hope this train stops her

Jay: Fuck no (beats the train) OOOOOO SHIT

Justin stops beside Jaylen they turn down they music

Justin: Did u see that nigga

Jaylen: Hell yea man am finna call her

Jaylen: (puts cord in radio and phone so everybody could hear her) ,Hello

Jay: Wesss up

Jaylen: Wtf Wrong with u nigga

Jay: o shit y'all saw me

Jaylen and Justin pull over in a parking lot

Jaylen: Hell yea we saw u

Jay: U mad bruh

Justin: How in the hell u beat the train

Jay: Y'all want me to come back

Jaylen: Nawl man u driving crazy ass hell

Jay: Ikr

Justin: U gon kill yourself

Jay: Nawl y'all just don't know how to Drive (hangs up)

Justin: Man lets go

they pulled up at the studio

Jason: Man where she at in my truck

Jay pulled up next to them

Jay: (Gets out of truck looks at the side of the truck) Wassup

Jaylen: How come u just getting here

Jay: idk (opens passenger door and sits in the truck)

Justin: Y was u driving fast

Jay: That's how I drive Damn

Kenzie: U driving to fast


Jessica: u gon end up in somebody front yard

Jay: I don't care Who was the first person driving at the age of 9 O wait that's me I taught y'all how to drive

Jaylen: So

Jason: She did thoe

Jay: Ughhhhhh

Loyal: Am riding with u when we go back

Jaylen: Have fun with that

Playing Hard to getWhere stories live. Discover now