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Jazzy: What I wanted sitting right in front of me

Ray: Huh

Jazzy: Ugh Ray u so lost

Ray: What's sitting in front of u (picks up his phone) u want my phone

Jazzy: No Ray it's u dummy

Ray: O.... awwwww (hugs her) I feel da love and I gotta go pick them up I'll c u in a minute (walks out)

Jazzy: (grabs keys and heads out calls Kenzie) Hello

Kenzie: Wassup we ready

Jazzy: Kk on the way

Kenzie: Otay

Ray: (calls Princeton) Aye man am outside

Prince: Aight here we come

They all walked out the house

Roc: How come u didn't tell us she can fight like that man

Ray: I didn't know she could fight like that and she totally changed

Jazzy: (calls Candy) Wassup sis what u wanna do for yo birthday since ur on the 20th Yeaaaa Buddyyyyyyy

Candy: Idk I really wanna go to the club tonight for ur bdae

Jazzy: Ok what time u wanna go

Candy: It doesn't matter and Jessica gon go with us

Jazzy: Am outside

Candy: K (hangs up and they all walked outside)

Jazzy pulled off

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