I don't look like him

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Jay: I really don't look like him

Jazzy: Omg man yes u do

Ray walks outside and gets in truck with headphones in his ears so he can't hear nun

Jay: Y does everybody say we look alike

Jazzy: Cuz y'all do no lie

Jay: Ughhhhhh no I don't

Jazzy: Am fina c what he thinks about it (gets in truck with Ray and takes out his headphones) Aye

Ray: Yea (looking at phone)

Jazzy: That nigga out there said y'all don't look alike but y'all do what u think

Ray: Yea we look alike

Jazzy: Thank you (gets out of truck) He said y'all do look alike

Jay: Really u putting my own freaking boyfriend against me on this

Jazzy: No I just asked him do y'all look alike and he said yea

Jay: No we don't

Jazzy: (Gets back in truck with Ray) She denying u

Ray: Whatcha mean (on Facebook)

Jazzy: That y'all to look alike

Ray: She lying to herself

Jazzy: C, Jay come here

Jay can't hear nun she has headphones in her ears

Jazzy: I kno this bitch hear me (gets out truck) oooo u betta be glad u had headphones in yo ears

Jay: What guhl I was listening to my song

Jazzy: Ray said u lying to yo self

Jay: How

Jazzy: Cuz u kno y'all look alike and u say y'all don't

Jay: I don't care anymore (puts headphones back in)

Jazzy: (goes in house)

Ray texts Jay

TrendyMe: What's wrong baby

Bhad_Biish: What u talking bout Ray

TrendyMe: Nvm I want you to go somewhere with me

Bhad_Biish: Like where

TrendyMe: R u coming or not

Bhad_Biish: Am coming

Jay gets up and gets in the truck with Ray

Jay: Now where we going

Ray: idk I just wanna go somewhere (pulls off)

Jay: What eva

Ray: What's wrong with u

Jay: Nun

Ray: Yes it is hold up ain't yo birthday next month

Jay: Yea

Ray: Aight

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