Ray .... ur early

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Jazzy: I promise

Ray kisses her and she left

Jazzy pulls up at her house and she notice that Tay and Kay was asleep

Jazzy grabs them and go and put them in her bed

The door bell rings

Ray: Now what did u promise

Jazzy: u was suppose to come to night

Ray: So (closes the door) What the little ones doing

Jazzy: Nun (lays on the couch) they sleep

Ray: O really

Jazzy: (gets smart) Really and wtf u doin here

Ray: Who u talking to

Jazzy: U nigga it ain't nobody else here (kicks him)

Ray: (turns on tv)

Jazzy: did u ask

Ray: I don't have to

Jazzy: (puts on headphones and starts singing Cockiness) I love it I love it, love it when u eat it

Ray : (crawls between her legs and takes the headphones off ) Shut up

Jazzy: (rolls eyes and slaps him) Am going to sleep

Ray: u can't do that cuz one of the little ones woke up

Tay: (rubbing eyes)

Jazzy: Ray get off me come here Tay

Tay walks to her and lays on her chest

Jazzy picks him up and lays him on her chest and he fall asleep

Ray: Aye Tay get TF up

Tay: (kicks Ray in the nose)

2Hrs later

Everybody was sleep

Jazzy phone ring

Jazzy: hello

Mommy: Hey am outside and is Ray in there

Jazzy: Ok and yes

Mommy : ok

Jazzy goes and gets Kay

Kay: Jazzeeeeeeeeee

Jazzy: Y u didn't come downstairs and wake me up

Kay: Idk

Jazzy: well come on mama outside

Kay: Okay

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