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The next day skipping when they getting on the plane

Ray: (grabbing Jay) Baby come on

Jay: HELL NAWL I thought we were driving

Ray: No

Roc: (pulling Loyal) would you come on

They picked them up and sat them down in they seats

Jay: (shaking)

Ray: Calm down u had to fly to California

Jay: I drove

Ray: Ugh (pulls her to his chest) Come down

Roc: Aye u ok

Loyal: Give me yo headphones and wake me up when we get there

Jay: (snatches Ray headphones out of his ears)

Ray: Wtf u doing

Jay: (Trying not to look out the window and puts phone on airplane mode)

Loyal and Jay went to sleep listening to music

Ray: These chicks can't handle nun

Roc: True that

6 hours later they were there

Ray: (shaking Jay) Get up

Jay: Y

Ray: Get yo ass up

Jay: carry me

Ray: (picks her up) Damn u light asf

Jay: I kno (lays on his shoulder)

Ray: (gets off plane)

Jay: Ray

Ray: Yea bae

Jay: Where we going

Ray: To a car so we can to our hotel room

Jay: O ok

Ray: U got to get down now

Jay: (gets down and gets in car)

It was a 15 Minute drive to the hotel

They get out if the car

??: OMG Roc and Ray is that u

Ray: Huh

Roc: yea wassup India and Shania

India: (hugs Ray) how have u been

Shania: (hugs Roc) I've missed u

Jay&Loyal: (walks around)

Ray: So India how have u been

India: Great

Jay: (walks up to Ray) Yea,can I get my phone

Ray: give me my phone back

Jay: Listen am trying to take pictures on yo phone then am gon send the pictures that I took on yo phone am gon send them to my phone

Ray: (hands her the phone) Bye

Loyal: Jay I dare u to run do a cart will and then a split

Jay: (does what she told her to do) Aye, I still got it

Loyal: Lol

Jay&Loyal: (walks in hotel)

Shania: O y'all gon come to the studio

Roc: Sure

Ray: (looks at Roc) huh

India: Bring your Girlfriends too

Ray: (looks at her) Y

India: Don't worry

Prod,Jacob and Prince walked up and Candy , Jessica and Kenzie

Prod: Really y'all niggas here too

Ray: Yea

Rachel, A girl name Samantha and Stacey

Kenzie: Aye Ray where Jay and Loyal at

Ray: In the hotel

Kenzie: Ight

Jessica Candy and Kenzie walked in the hotel

India: so I guess we will c y'all at the studio

Roc: I guess

They all walked off

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