They Don't Know

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Jay: (puts earphones back in)

Ray: (singing) When be up in that Pussy I calling you my bitch , They don't even kno that I share u as my wifey They Don't kno They don't kno

Jay: (listening to Stoner) I am a Stoner

Ray: U messed me up (snatches headphone out her ear)

Jay: so

Ray: So nun I was singing

Jay: I don't care

Ray: What ever

Jay: What ever back to u

It started to get dark and Jay really wanted to go back home cuz she really didn't much sleep when she was in the Army

Jay: Ray can we go home now

Ray drives to a hotel

Jay: Wtf u doing

Ray: Would you shut up

Jay: Can you take me home

Ray: Shut up girl dang

Jay: I wanna go home am tired dude

Ray: (Gets out of truck and walks into the hotel)

Jay: Man wtf he doing

Ray: yea I made a reservation for the master room online today

???: Yea its ready sir here's the key (gives him the key)

Ray: Thanks (walks back outside opens Jays door) Get out the truck

Jay: Huh

Ray: Get out the truck

Jay: ugh (gets out truck grabs bag of clothes out of truck) I don't like u

Ray: I don't care (locks truck) Uhh uhh leave yo phone

Jay: Y

Ray: Don't worry about that just leave it

Jay: Mann wtf wrong with yo life open the truck

Ray: Its bout to go down

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