Ray Stop

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So both of them went in the room and closed the door and put the bags on the floor

Jay: im fina go and take a bath

Ray: can I and get in with you

Jay: Hell no

Ray: (so Ray had snuck in the bathroom with Jay and started kissing her neck

Jay: (moaning) ray stop not right now I'm tired

Ray: (kept kissing her neck )

Jay: Ray leave me alone

Ray: u remember what u had said the last time U said u changed and now u 21 So would you plz shut up (Starts back kissing ha neck)

Jay: I was 19 nigga GTFO

Ray: Mannn (turns light out and Leaves bathroom and close door)

Jay: (gets out of tub) Damn my shit in the room (peeks out of door) Damn he sitting right there Just do it Jay u got this (puts on house coat)

Ray: (walks out of room to go to truck)

Jay: Yess (runs out and get clothes)

Jay put her clothes on and walks oit of the bathroom

Ray: (walks back in with her phone and his phone)

Jay: Thank u (Ray gives her the phone) Damn I got 10 missed calls

Ray: Am finna go take a shower

Jay: Aight

Ray: (goes in bathroom)

Jay: (Grabs his phone) Password uhhhhh Jazzy4evermine (phone unlocks) YESSSS



20 minutes later

Ray came out with a towel around his waist he still had water running down his body

Jay: (staring at Ray)

Ray: (Got clothes and went back in the bathroom)

Jay: Damn Ray

Ray: What

Jay: huh

Ray: I thought you said some

Jay: Ya hearing stuff

Ray: if u say so (closes door)

Jay: Jesus take the will

Ray walks out the bathroom wit only his basketball shorts on and water was still rolling down his body

Jay only had on a big shirt it was Ray shirt

Ray: (gets up in the bed wit Jay) So how was the Army

Jay: Scary a little but I had got use to it

Ray: Did you have fun

Jay: Yea ... if I was trying to kill myself

Ray: U ain't got to get smart .... ain't Loyal b-day tomorrow

Jay: Yes

Ray: she turning

Jay: 22

Ray: y u tell me

Jay: idk

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