U Hiding some from me

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The next day

Ray: (on the Facebook) Damn she fine

Jay: ........

Ray: Thank goodness she didn't hear me

Jay: (lays on Ray chest) I heard u

Ray: U did

Jay: (Grabs her & his phone and runs in the bathroom with it) U r not getting this back (locks door)

Ray: (bangs on door) Baby plz give me my phone back

Jay: U got something to hide

Ray: No

Jay: (sees pictures of his ex's) R u fucking kidding me

Ray: What r u looking at

Jay: (walks out of bathroom) r u serious

Ray: What r u talking bout

Jay: Ray u got pictures of yo ex´s in yo phone

Ray: I got more pics of you than her

Jay: What eva (lays on another bed) Ray dont talk to me (throws his phone)

Ray: c u be trippen

Jay: (lays on bed and goes to sleep)

1 hour later

Ray: man this girl gon b sleep fa generations

Jay: (sleep)

Ray: Ugh .......... Fuck this shit (puts on some clothes)

Jay: (slobing on Ray phone)

Ray: R u fucking kidding me

Jay: Ray y u leaving

Ray: Cuz u sleep and get off my phone

Jay: (gets off his phone) Sorry bae

Ray: Well give me yo phone

Jay: (hands him the phone) But what am supposed to do while you gone

Ray: (gets the phone) Whats the password

Jay: Ray4evermine

Ray: cool aight bye baby (kisses her and leave)

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