Read my lips

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Loyal: I will

Jay: (playing Read my lips)

Loyal: That's my shit (turns it up)

Jay: Read my lips Read my lips Baby get up all in this

Loyal: I wanna go somewhere else

Jay: me too

Loyal: U wanna go to the beach

Jay: Suree (starts truck)

Jason: Where y'all two going

Loyal: To the beach

Jason: Cool

Jay: (turns up music)

Jaylen: Where they going

Jason: To the beach

Kenzie: Hope they have fun

Justin: I wanna go

Jay: (pulls off)

Candy: Can we just go to the beach

Ray: That's where I wanted to go

Jaylen: Well leggo

Justin and Jaylen pulled off they pulled up next to Jay at the light

Jay: (changes music to Bish Whet)

Loyal: Bish Whet

Jason: Smdh

Jay: Lol

Jessica: Don't make no sense

Candy: Lol

The light turnt green Jay pulled off

Jay: Wanna talk shit in my comments but not in person BISH WHET

Loyal: I got my swimsuit up under here

Jay: Me too

Jay pulled up at the beach

Jay: I got thang for ya

Loyal: I wanna get to kno ya

Jay: (texts Ray)

Bhad_Biish: Where y'all

TrendyMe: Y

Bhad_Biish: I was just asking

SheMoansRay: We coming

Bhad_Biish: Y did u change ur name

SheMoansRay: Cuz I wanted to bye

They all pulled up they saw the truck but not Loyal and Jay

Jacob: Where tf they at

Justin: Ikr

Jason: We need to find them

Jaylen: Yes we do

They get out of the trucks

Jay: (playing in the water)

Loyal: Man am finna get my hair wet Fuck that shit (takes it out of ponytail)

Jay: Ikr (takes hair down) Pat it Pat it lol

Loyal: (floating)

Jay: (swimming under water)

Kenzie: I don't c them

Ray: Me either

Candy: They right there playing like 5 yr olds

Jay: Oooo let's fall back in the water

Loyal: K 1,2,3

They both Fell back in the water

Jay: (gets up) Fuck it was easier when I was ten

Loyal: Goddamn

Jaylen: Y tf they so fucking tall

Jason: Ikr

Jay: There they go

Loyal: I see em

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