Loyals B Dae

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Jay: That's my boo

Jay calls Loyal

Loyal: Wassup Ray

Jay: Its Jay

Loyal: Y do u have his phone

Jay: Cuz I .... u don't wanna kno

Loyal: okay

Jay: Yea he got my phone

Loyal: Awwwww that kind of couple

Jay: Lol but wyd for yo bday

Loyal: idk yet

Jay: Biish ya bday today

Loyal: Duh I kno that idk what am doing

Jay: Ugh but I g2g ttyl

Loyal: kk

1hour later Ray walked in the door

Ray: Hey baby

Jay: Hey (taking pictures on his phone)

Ray: I got to ask u some

Jay: Yea (taking pictures)

Ray: I was wondering if you want to go to Hawaii with Loyal ,Roc and me

Jay: Sure when (still taking pictures)

Ray: I guess tomorrow morning

Jay: (taking pictures)

Ray: (takes phone)

Jay: Give it back

Ray: (holds it in the air) Reach for it

Jay: Ray stop playing (reach for it)

Ray: (kisses her and gives her the phone back)

Jay: (calls Mommy)

Mommy: Yes Ray

Jay: This not Ray

Mommy: Well who is it

Jay: Its Jay

Mommy: ............can't b she in the Army

Jay: I got out

Mommy: who ever u is u not Jay (hangs up)

Jay: (looks at Ray) Lets me c my phone

Ray: Baby we need to start packing (hands her the phone)

Jay: ugh ok (gets up and puts clothes on)

Ray: (gets up and holds her by the waist) Baby whats wrong

Jay: Nothing bae (kisses him)


Loyal: Roc

Roc: Yea

Loyal: Am bored

Roc: What u want me to do

Loyal: (hits him)

Roc: (gets up) What do u want

Loyal: its my birthday nigga

Roc: Ok I kno that .. O yea I got to tell u some

Loyal: What is it

Roc: U wanna go to Hawaii with me Ray and Jay

Loyal: Yea when

Roc: Tomorrow morning

Loyal: Really y u just now telling me

Roc: Idk

Loyal: (gets up and starts packing)

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