Guess whos back

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Jazzy: (Outside of her house Opens door) Really somebody could've walked up in here (see Candy in theater room by herself) Hi sis

Candy: (eyes get big) Omg I missed u (hugs her)

Jazzy: Where is everyone

Candy: In there lets give them a surprise

Candy walks in there she told Jazzy to stand by the door

Candy: Wassup

Ray: Wad up

Candy : Yall wanna meet somebody

Ray: (gets up and see what she was talking about)

Jazzy: (hides and starts singing Drunk in Love) Cigars on Ice Cigars on ice

Ray: Wtf

Jazzy: Then I fill the tub up half way and ride it with Surf board x2

We be all night LUVVVV LUVVVV

Loyal: Ray u hear that

Ray: Yea man

Jazzy : (Walks out of closet) Did Ya miss me

Loyal : (screams) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jazzy: (gets louder than her cuz her voice changed while she was in the Army) SHUT UP

Loyal: Ok

Jazzy: (hugs them both) I told I see y'all again

Loyal: (pushes Ray) Move Ray she my sister

Ray: (pushes her Back) she my girlfriend

Jazzy: Would two stop

Ray: (grabs Jazzy) Leave me alone Loyal

Loyal: Ray am bout to kill u

Ray: Aye Man

Jazzy: Ray she bout to kill me If u don't let me go

Ray: better u than me

Jazzy: (lets him go) Move Ray


Jazzy: Roc

Roc: Did ya have fun

Jazzy: U can say that... where shirt yo at

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