When u gon tell them

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Skipping when it was Jazzy Jessica and Candy they stayed at the mall

Candy: So Jazz what u been doing since u been in California

Jazzy: Nun I just started Babysitting

Candy: O kool

Jazzy: Yep and I have to tell y'all some

Jessica: ok speak it

Jazzy: Am going to the Military

Candy: Huh wait how long you going to be there when u leaving

Jazzy: Idk and November 20th

Jessica: Have u told Ray

Jazzy: Nope

Candy: omg u leaving on my Birthday

Jazzy: Am so sorry Candy but I shouldn't be gon long thoe

Jessica: Man am gon miss u

Jazzy: Its ok but Idk if I wanna go somewhere tonight

Candy: Ok

Jazzy had dropped them off at home and went home

Jazzy texts Ray

Bhad_Biish: Hey Bae

TrendyMe: Hey Baby wyd

Bhad_Biish: Nun but we need to talk Asap

TrendyMe: Aight bae am on the way

Ray pulled up and went in the house

Ray: Aye where u at

Jazzy: In the theater Room

Ray: (walks up the stairs and sits next to her) Wassup

Jazzy: I have to tell u some

Ray: Aight

Jazzy: Am going to the Military

Ray: Nawl y u lying

Jazzy: Am not lying to you I leave Nov 20th

Ray: ...................

Jazzy: Baby am sorry but I always wanted to go to the Military

Ray: How long u gon b gone

Jazzy: I wish I could tell u but idk (sits in his lap)

Ray: Y u just now telling me this

Jazzy: Idk I didn't know how to tell u

Ray: ok I guess

The next Day

Jazzy was laying on Ray but gets up and she gets a phone call

Jazzy: Hello

???: Hello Yes this is the Chief we need u to come tomorrow at 8:00 So u can get started

Jazzy: Yes sir

???: Thanks for your co-operation (hangs up)

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