Baby am sorry

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Jazzy: (looks at Ray while he sleeping) How am gon tell u

Ray: ........................

Jazzy: (gets up and starts packing)

Ray: (wakes up) Wyd packing so early

Jazzy: Ray they want me to come Tomorrow

Ray: U told me the 20th

Jazzy: It isn't my fault They want me to come Tomorrow

Ray: What am supposed to do while you gone

Jazzy: Ray u 18 going on 19 wtf u mean what u suppose to do while am gone don't 4get u have my friends and yo friends

Ray: But I won't have you

Jazzy: Well dont think about me (still putting clothes in suitcase)

Ray: U the only one I think about To be honest

Jazzy: Ugh Ray shut up

Ray: Don't tell me to shut up

Jazzy: I just did

Ray: Find somebody else to play with cuz am not the one

Jazzy: Man Wtf ever (closes suit case and walks downstairs)

Jazzy puts on some clothes and leaves

Jazzy: (phone rings) Hello

Mommy: Whats going on with u and Ray

Jazzy: I'll be over there (hangs up)

Jazzy pulls up

Mommy: Now what's going on

Jazzy: Nun He tripping cuz am going to the Military tomorrow I thought it was going to be on the 20th but the man called me this morning

Mommy: O when u coming back

Jazzy: Idk but can u drop me off tomorrow morning at 7:00 cuz I got to be there at 8:00

Mommy: Ok I will

Jazzy: And Ray need to calm down seriously

Mommy: Jazzy u the only girlfriend he had that I loved and that he loved and he wants to protect u Where u go I mean he'll be fine he just wants to protect u that's all

Jazzy: O but I always wanted to go to the Military am gon miss him

Mommy: Hunny he'll be fine

Jazzy: Well I g2g tell my friends bye

Mommy: Bye my solider

Jazzy: Lol ok (walks out the door)

Jazzy calls Kenzie but no answer She called Loyal but no answer she called Jessica still no answer then Candy still no answer

Jazzy: Really (goes home)

Ray on tha phone

Ray: Roc she going to the Military

Roc: Damn am gon miss her myself

Ray: Then she leaving tomorrow

Roc: Damn bruh

Ray: Well man I call u later

Roc: Aight (hangs up)

Ray and Jazzy spent the whole day together

Am skipping to the next day

Jazzy: (wakes up on Rays chest)

Ray was already woke

Ray: (on Facebook) Damn shawty she fucked up

Jazzy: What r u looking at

Ray: Damn I thought you was still sleep

Jazzy: Ray

Ray: Yea Bae


Ray: Awwwwww u have to thoe u shouldn't be gone long anyway

Jazzy: (lays back on his chest) check my phone plz

Ray: ok (picks up her phone) u got 13missed calls and 15 messages

Jazzy: Well check them

Ray: What girl wants her boyfriend to check her Messages

Jazzy: Dis girl CHECK THEM

Ray: Ok Damn u ain't gotta scream

Jazzy: ok

Ray: What time you leaving

Jazzy: 7:00 cuz I gotta be there at 8:00

Ray: Its 5:30

Jazzy: u woke me up

Ray: Well go back to sleep I ain't going back I'll wake u up

Jazzy: Ok (falls back to sleep)

Ray: I don't want you to go

Jazzy: ..............

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