Can they spend the night

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3hrs past and it was 2:00p.m. jazzy was laying on Ray

Jazzy phone ring

Jazzy: Hello

Mommy: what y'all doing

Jazzy: Nun Ray sleep

Mommy: o Kay and Tay wanna spend the night can they

Jazzy: yes they can

Mommy: ok I'll be there around 3:00

Jazzy: Otay

They hang up the phone

Jazzy: Ray wake up

Ray: Yea bae

Jazzy: Get up (gets up and put on ray shorts and shirt)

Ray: How u gon put on my stuff

Jazzy: cuz I want to(goes in the bathroom)

Ray: am bored

Jazzy: not for long

Ray: what u talking bout

Jazzy: Nun

the door bell rung ray and jazzy looked at each other for a minute then jazzy took off running downstairs

Ray: Get yo ass back here Dont answer that doe nigga

Jazzy: Oops Hey kay and tay

Kay: Here u go Ray (hands him his charger)

Ray: Aww thx Bye now

Kay: am staying

Ray: huh

Jazzy: Bye mommy

Mommy: Ok

Jazzy: Come on tay lets go slap Ray

Tay: (slaps Ray and laugh)

Ray: Jazzy come here

Jazzy: What u want

Ray: Y

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