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Ray: Aight nigga

They hung up

Jazzy walks in the room

Ray: (Looks up ) Hey

Jazzy: Hey ( sits next to him)

Ray: They gone

Jazzy: Yep

Jazzy phone rings from a unknown number Jazzy answers it

Jazzy: Hello

???: am ur ex and I still love you

Phone hangs up

Jazzy: (Drops phone)

Ray: Whats wrong

Jazzy: (Hugs Ray)

Ray:(Hugs back)

Jazzy: This dude said he was my ex and he still in love with me

Ray: Looks like somebody got a stalker

Jazzy: Shut up

Ray: Dont b mean

Jazzy: lol ok

Ray: Ok

Jazzy: aight but am not letting you go

Ray: ok (phone rings)

???: Hey Ray

Ray: who dis

???:Don't worry bout all that am ur ex Ray

Ray hangs up

Ray: WTF going on with the world

Jazzy: U tell me

Ray: To much to explain

Jazzy: Ok

Ray: I was wondering if you want to go with me for ur birthday my cuzin having a party at a club

Jazzy; Sure when

Ray: Tonight

Jazzy: Ok What today is thoe

Ray: Nov. 1... 3days from yo birthday

Jazzy: Yesss finally turning 18

Ray: I thought you was turning 19

Jazzy: Nope. Am staying in bed for my birthday

Ray: No the hell u ain't I got u schedule to take Pictures on yo birthday

Jazzy: U gon b there with me

Ray: U want me to be there with u??????????!!!!!!!!!!!

Jazzy: Yes

Ray: Aight

Jazzy: Anyways what should I wear (pulls out Red jays with black snap back and and striped  half cut shirt and ripped pants) I like this one

Ray: U sure about this one

Jazzy: Yes then I got Red and black in my hair then its long asf

Ray: Aight am wear purple and black

Jazzy: What time does it start

Ray: 6:00

Jazzy: Its 4:30

Ray: Well go get ready cuz I need to braid my hair

Jazzy: I got to take a shower

Ray: I do to

Jazzy: Get in a different shower

Ray: At least I tried

Jazzy : What ever ( Walks in bathroom)

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