Ch. 9

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"Mee-Yon, how can I help them?" I asked, sitting in one of the chairs in the library, hugging my knees to my chest as I tried to think of anything that might work.

"Well, when I was in this time, I wasn't around much. I wasn't here when you and my brothers came up with the idea to help us out." Mee-Yon said, an apologetic expression on her face.

"What? Why not?" I asked, looking over at her.

"I can't tell you." She replied, and I let out an annoyed groan.

"Why do you keep saying that?" I whined.

"Because I don't know how you will react. You might try to stop me and then the whole timeline we are from will be destroyed." She said. "If you need up one thing in the 1840's, then you might not meet Tao, my brothers might not become vampires, hell! You might even write yourself out of existence."

I shrunk away as she spoke, her voice getting louder and louder as she continued, and I ended up covering my ears as she yelled at me. Once she finished, I sat there quietly, a little freaked out.

"I'm sorry..." she said, realizing what she just did. "I'm just on edge right now. I'm worried about my younger self. I know she will be okay in the end, but I still don't like how everything happens." She explained, letting out a small sigh.

I just gave her a small nod, not bothering to argue with her anymore. I was exhausted, trying to catch up on everything that had happened while I was gone taking too much out of me.


Young Mee-Yon's P.O.V.

I snuck from the house, climbing down the ivy that had grown it's way up to my bedroom window, careful not to wake up Tao or Suho, both of which were in the rooms beside mine. Silent, I made it to the grassy ground outside. With a smile, I sprinted off down towards the market, the stalls either locked up or empty for the night.

I turned down the small, rarely used path, just as we had planned months ago, running to the grassy meadow that we had claimed as our own special place. It had been a month since I had seen him, I missed JiHyun terribly.

I could see a figure standing beside the thickest tree, and my heart skipped a beat. I slowed, making my way through the low shrubs and into the open, circular grass patch between the trees, I made my way up to the familiar silhouette, standing on my toes to place my lips against his.

JiHyun wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me close to him, as if he were afraid I'd slip away, which wasn't an unfounded fear. After a few seconds of his soft lips against mine, he pulled away. "No one followed you, right?" He asked, and I smiled.

"No. My brothers are all asleep, and I was careful not to wake any of them up as I left." I replied, and he let out a sigh of relief. "What about you? Your parents don't suspect you, do they?" I asked.

"My mother doesn't, but I think my father knows that I've been getting home really late. He's going to catch on soon." He replied, his voice soft, yet terrified.

I nodded, afraid what his father would do if he caught us. Hed be duripus if he knew we were friends, but if he found out that we were actually going to be married...a chill went down my spine at the thought. JiHyun kissed my forehead, pulling me into his warm embrace, rubbing my back gently.

"Don't worry. If everything goes according to plan, he won't to be able to tear us apart ever again." He reassured me.

I placed my hand on my collar bone, the silver chain hanging from my neck, the engagement ring strung onto the necklace. A smile came to my lips, and I felt my eyes begin to water. "Are you ready?" I asked, and he nodded, causing my heart to pound in excitement. He then took my hand, leading me down the path and through the empty market stalls, heading for the church, the two of us smiling.

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