Ch. 22

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Returning to the mansion, we gathered in the living room, and I looked around, amazed. They didn't skip anything, the whole mansion decorated to match the gazebo with mint-green and red-violet ribbons, along with flowers. Candles were set out all over, sending orange and yellow tints across the rooms.

Tao held my hand as we made our way over to the coffee table, where dozens of mint-green and red-violet gifts were placed. Among the colored boxes and ribbons were two simple, black boxes. Just as I noticed the boxes, both Tao and Kyungsoo went to the table and grabbed them. Smiling, Tao brought the box he held over to me, placing it in my hands.

"This is for you." He smiled sweetly, and I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. After a few seconds, I glanced down at the box, and slowly opened it. Inside the black box was a choker made of black silk, a small pendant hanging on it. It took a second for me to realize it, but the pendant was actually a little vial, inside a familiar crimson, Tao's symbol etched in black onto the vial. I glanced up at Tao, who just continued to smile as he took the choker from the box and put it on me.

I smiled as he latched the clasp of the necklace closed, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."


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Upstairs, I quickly dug through my dresser, searching for a specific black item or two. Natasha and I had agreed to change from our wedding dresses into the nice, knee length, white dresses Brynn had given us earlier in the week for the reception. I knew Natasha would kill me if I didn't wear the lingerie she had be buy earlier in the year, so I found myself searching for the black, lacy items.

After finally finding them, I quickly changed, finishing pulling on the long sleeved dress when a knock on my bedroom door sounded. "You almost finished?" Natasha asked.

I smiled, grabbing the black heels I needed to complete the outfit, and made my way to the door, opening it just as Natasha was about to knock a second time. "I just need to put on my heels." I told her, and she gave a nod as I slipped the heels onto my feet.

"Oh!" She suddenly shouted, then leaned towards me to whisper in my ear. "Did you put on something sexy for tonight with Tao?" She asked.

I felt my face heat up, and I gave her a nod. "I knew you'd kill me if I didn't." I replied.

"You're right." She smiled. "This is going to be your first time as a married couple. If you're going to do it, you should at least do it right."

"Oh, hush." I said, rolling my eyes, knowing she teasing me about it. "What about you, huh?"

Her face turned a little pink, and she glanced away from me, down at her pair of maroon heels before replying. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

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