Chapter 1 and 2

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Chapter 1

We could all admit the world today is different than it was 20 years ago. Teens doing drugs, underage drinking, having babies when you're still a baby yourself. Well I wasn't one of those people. My name is Hailey Marie. I'm 26 years old. I work for Red One which is a recording studio where my husband and his band work at. Our daughter Tori asked me how her father and I met and it is a crazy story so I thought I would share it.

It was the year 2014, my dad Paul Marie just got a new job working for a computer company since his other job wasn't going so well. I was happy for him, it was just I didn't want to leave my school, my friends, my life in Miami, Florida to move to a new place in Denver, Colorado.But I put a brave face on because I didn't want to upset my dad.He tried so hard to make us happy. October 3rd was our last day in Miami. I would miss it so much. I said goodbye to my friends who I would miss dearly. But I saved my best friend in the entire world James for last. He was the only guy who really understood me. We were best friends for 5 years. As my parents were packing the car he stood right by me. "This is it ", he said with a sad depressing face on. "Yeah unfortunately it is." My dad honked the horn trying to hurry me up. I guess my older brother, Justin, was getting on his nerves. I hugged James tightly and said "You better text me everyday. I will be so bored." "Promise" he said trying to hold back his tears. I got in the car and was ready to start my new life. I tried having the best attitude I could.

We were at our new home. It was bigger than the house I lived in back in Miami. As my parents started unloading the car, me and Justin were scoping the place out. He beat me upstairs and of course took the biggest room for himself. I didn't mind though. My room was pretty large with a balcony and a huge tree right outside. I fell on my bed missing Miami already. I took a deep breath and started to unpack. Later at dinner, my mom announced that me and Justin would start school tomorrow. It was hard enough being a freshman, but to come after the year has already started, was just torture. My brother was pretty excited though. He was a junior and was the star football player back home. so he couldn't wait to check out the team. I wasn't really into sports myself. I loved working with music. It was my escape from the world. After dinner I went upstairs, got in the shower, and put my pajamas on. By the time I was ready for bed it was 11:00. I had a pretty big day tomorrow and I was beat so I easily went to sleep.

I hear the sound of my alarm go off. "Great" I thought. Once I got dressed and all ready for school I walked down stairs. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and my mom was making eggs with bacon and toast. "Eat fast sweetie. You don't want to be late for your first day of high school" she said handing me my plate. As I was pretty much finished eating, Justin came out with his backpack and car keys in his hand."Lets go Hail" he said chocking down a piece of toast. "Drive safe kids! Have fun and good luck" mother said proudly as me and Justin walked out the door. Here we go.

Chapter 2

The school looked okay. I was going to have to spend the next four years there so might as well enjoy it. Wishing me luck, me and Justin went our separate ways. I was confused looking at my schedule, so I thought I would take it one thing at a time. I finally found my locker. When I did there was a girl at the locker right next to mine. I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to see if she can show me around to my classes. As I walked up to my locker opening it, she glanced over at me."Hey you're the new girl right?" she said with a perfect like smile. She had light brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a pretty shirt with a jean skirt showing she was on the girly side. "Yes I am. Nice to meet you. I'm Hailey Marie." I said shaking her hand."I'm Bre Anderson.Pleasure to meet you.""Do you know where room 216 is?" I asked hoping she did."Yes I'm going there too. Lets go".

After that class, Bre gave me a short tour of the school than we headed off to lunch. I sat with her of course as she introduced me to her friends."Hailey these are my friends Ali, Taylor, and my boyfriend Jacob."Ali had long blonde hair with blue eyes. She seemed so sweet too.Taylor had short black hair. She had braces and a Eagles jersey. Her boyfriend, Jacob, was wearing skinny jeans and a football jersey on too. I could tell he must be on the team."Nice to meet you all" I said in a friendly manner."Are you on the football team Taylor?" I asked curiously."Sort of" he said looking a little embarrassed."I'm just basically the water boy." "You're still important to the team" I said trying to boost his confidence."Thanks" he said. As I was talking to Bre trying to get to know her better, this group of guys walk in the cafeteria. They all looked like they were on the football team. There was 5 of them."Hey Bre who are they" I asked."Oh there no one. Don't let their looks fool you. If you're not a cheerleader, they treat you like scum.No exceptions.Their names are Thomas, Anthony, Joey, Eric, and the biggest jerk of them all or the leader you can call him Colton." she said with a annoyed look on her face."They are the top of the school. Lord knows why." I decided to change the subject when I saw how aggravated she looked just by talking about them."So what are you guys doing tonight?' I asked in a eager voice."We are going roller skating tonight. Hailey you should totally come" Taylor said. I didn't think I had any plans, so I said "sure". After lunch was over, we only had two periods left. Science and Algebra. One of them I had with Ali and the other one I had with Bre so I was happy about that. I couldn't stop thinking about the guys from lunch though. Bre is right. Their good looks make it hard to forget them. Anyways, I couldn't wait to go home and text James all about my first day and get ready to go roller skating later.

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