Chapter 7: The Truth Must Come Out

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I have been thinking a lot lately and Bre is my best friend and I know if the cards were switched I would want her to be honest with me. If she was a good friend she would put her and Colton's differences aside so I can be happy. I really liked him. We texted pretty much every night. I talk to Thomas and Eric daily too and Joey and Anthony sometimes. We were really all good friends. The guys even told me how Colton and I would be a cute couple. I explained to them the situation and they understood but they agree as well its time to tell Bre so me and Colton could take it to the next level. I guess I'm just a little afraid because Ali told the whole table about how her and Thomas are now dating and Bre wasn't too happy about it. Every time Ali tried talking abut something that her and Thomas did Bre either changed the subject or made an excuse to leave. I don't really understand that part. She got in a fight with Colton I don't see why she has to be rude to all of them. But Colton wasn't going to wait on me forever. There was a new girl on the cheer leading team who was quite clingy to him.

I decided to tell her on Facebook.


Hey I have something to tell you. I don't know how you're going to react but I want you to know this is what makes me happy.

A minute later it said seen and she wrote back.


It's about Colton isn't it?I know you like him. Ali was scrolling through Thomas's phone and she saw your guy's messages and told me. Look Hailey yeah me and Colton don't have the best past but if you like him then you like him. All I want is for you to be happy. And if he does than I'm okay with that. I just want you to be honest and trust me. You can tell me anything girl. Besties forever:) Go get him!

Her response made me smile. She was such a good friend. I told Thomas, Eric, Anthony, and Joey and they were all excited then I wrote back to Bre.


Thank you and okay from now on no more secretes:)Thanks girl ily see ya!


Tell me all about how it goes tomorrow. ily 2 byee

After that I heard a knock on my door. I was home alone so I opened it slowly. It was Eric. "Hey Eric what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well since Bre accepts your love for Colton we are going over there so you can ask him out." he said with a huge grin on his face. "I don't know." "Come on you liked him for 6 months now it's time." "Okay." I got my jacket and went with Eric over to Colton's.

When we got over there I saw his black convertible parked outside his house. I suddenly got really nervous. My palms were getting sweaty and my heart began to race. "Calm down Hail you can do this." "You're not coming in with me?" "No it's al you baby go get him." I got out of Eric's silver mustang and worked my way over to Colton's front door. I knocked on it twice. Then surprisingly a girl opened the door. She was wearing tight blue jeans and one of Colton's hoodies. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Not a single zit on her face. She was stunning. "Hi may I help you?" she asked looking at me. "Um uh is Colton here" I asked still in complete shock. "Yeah but we are a little busy is it important?" "No not really. I don't think we have met I'm Hailey. Are you a friend of Colton's?" "Oh Hailey Colton talked about you a few times. I'm Abby. Colton's girlfriend. It's so nice to meet you." she said smiling. I could barley talk. I felt my heart shatter and I knew if I didn't get out of there tears were going to stream down my face. I was too late. "Do you want me to tell him you stopped by?" "No thanks it wasn't that important. I have to go it was nice meeting you Abby." I said walking away. "You too!Bye" she said shutting the door. When I got into Eric's car I told him everything then tears were falling down my face. "I'm so sorry I should of never of brought you here." "It's okay you didn't know. Can you please drive me home now?" "Of course." When we got to my house Eric apologized again and asked me if I wanted him to stay. "No I'm fine thanks though. See you at school." "Byee" he said as he drove off.

As soon as I got inside I ran into my room and started to cry uncontrollably. I texted Bre and Thomas about what happened. Thomas felt awful and he too offered to come over. I said no politely I just wanted to be by myself. Bre felt terrible too. One message said: "He will never change." I didn't respond because I didn't know what to say. It's been a while since I talked to James but I got a unexpected message from him just before I was going to bed. 


Hey guess what? I talked to my mom and she said next month we can come visit you!!! I can't wait I miss you so much Hail. Well gtg to bed! Byeee

That made me feel a little better. I would have my old best friend back. After that I went to bed not wanting to wake up and go to school to see Abby and him together but knew I had to put on a brave face. I want him to be happy. I just wanted to be the person to do that.

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