Chapter 14: The Mistake

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My dad said we should try not to think about everything that's happened with Mom. They were staying at motel closer to the hospital in case they find a Donner. Justin was staying over his friends house for a night or two so it was just me. While I was watching a movie on LMN, I heard the door open and shut. I looked up expected to see Colton, but it was Eric. "Hey I'm sorry to just walk in but I heard the news and I had to give you a hug" he said making his way over to the sofa. He put his hands around my neck and pulled me close to where I was in the position of laying on his chest. "Thank you Eric it means a lot to me." "Of course." I sat up because I began to feel uncomfortable by the way he was putting his hands on my waist. "Sorry." "No it's okay." "Well I just wanted to stop by" he said about to stand up. Then he stopped, and turned to me. I was worried so I stood up too and said "Eric what's wrong?" He didn't make a noise. Instead he got closer. "Eric?" Then he pulled me in and kissed me. I pulled back as fast as I can stepping back a few steps. "Hailey I'm sorry. I just got lost and I didn't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me." "I'm not mad. But I think for now it's best if you should just go before Colton get's here." There was a moment of silence. Then he left. "What just happened?" I thought to myself. I had no idea how I was going to tell Colton about this. I was debating on whether or not I should just keep this between me and Eric. I had to call Bre and get her input. She was the only other one who knew how bad Colton's temper was. She says he was never this bad with her. He is madly truly deeply in love with you. Colton looks like the boy next door with his cheeky adorable innocent smile and he was the sweetest person ever. It's just when he hears something that get's him angry especially with me it was bad. Bre said she knew it would be hard, but I had to tell him. So I had to look for a good time. I didn't know if I can do it though.


Hailey has been acting pretty strange lately. I mean at least it seems it. Every time I asked her if there was anything wrong she denied and flashed her adorable smile. I knew she had a lot on her plate with her mom and everything but I had to find out. At lunch today, I went to the vending machine with Thomas and Anthony. Eric was out there already. We weren't exactly best friends since I knew he had a crush on my girl but we were still friends. At least I thought. "Hey Eric it's been to long" I said trying to get out of the awkward tone I can feel was there. "Hey Colt I know. How have you been?" he said. He seemed very nervous and tried his hardest to not make eye contact. I knew something was up and my suspicions was it had something to do with Hailey. "I have been real good brother. What have you been up to lately?" "Oh little things here and there you know." "Have you talked to Hailey lately?" I asked. You can tell he got scared by my question. "Uh yeah I stopped by her house yesterday to say sorry about her mom." "Did anything happen?You both are acting a little weird." "Look man we were best friends for 5 years. I think you should have her tell you." "No she won't. Tell me" I said getting frustrated and a little jealous Hailey didn't tell me Eric stopped by at her house and that something happened that made me furious. "I don't know how." I got in his face a little to scare him a bit. "Listen Eric, that girl means everything to me. If something happened you better tell me." He took a sigh and said, "I kissed her." I could not move. All I can say was "why?" "I am so sorry I looked in her eyes and just lost control and stopped thinking for a moment. Colt I will never do that or hurt either of you again. You have to trust me. You have my word." "You know what Eric, your word used to mean something. Now it's dead to me just like you." I knew I didn't mean that but I was just so angry. I tried my hardest to walk away but I couldn't. I turned my head a little to see Hailey, Bre and Ali watching what was happening. "You need to calm down man. I understand your angry but" Thomas said but I cut him off. "No what if he kissed Ali?Huh? You wouldn't be pissed off?" He didn't say anything after that. He just turned to Ali. Eric could not stop looking at Hailey. That got me more upset. I stopped thinking for two seconds, like what happened with Ali which I regret more than anything, and punched him in the face knocking him down to the floor. The principle came out and took me down to his office. Hailey didn't follow, she stayed there with Eric.


"Eric are you okay?" I could not believe Colton just did that. "Let me see" I said moving his hand from his eye. It was all black and blue. I felt terrible. "It's okay Hail I deserved it. Colton could tolerate a lot but when it comes to you, I never seen him so protective." "I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault. It's not his either. I had no right to kiss you and it won't happen again." The nurse came over to escort Eric to her office. When he got up he said, "Tell Colton I'm sorry again. And call me." "Okay I will."

At the end of the day I went to the Principles to see Colton. He wasn't there. He got suspended for 3 days and they sent him home. So I left and walked to my car.

In my driveway, Colton was leaning on his car waiting for me to arrive. "You could of waited inside ya know?" I said walking over to him. "I know. The cold doesn't bother me. I felt worse pain. Like finding out the love of my life got kissed by my best friend." "Colton I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know how and I didn't want to hurt you." "Well how's that working out for you?" he said getting in his car. "I'm sorry please don't go." "I have to. Call you later." Just like that he was gone.

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