Chapter 10: Decisions

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It's been a whole month and Eric still won't talk to me. I tried everything he just wants nothing to do with me. I had to of left him over 50 messages and 10 voice mails. Just because I'm with Colton now he can't stand him or me. I knew he had a crush on me I just didn't think he would care this much. In spite of everything I still missed him. He was such a good listener. So before school I put on the necklace he gave me. Then I noticed something on the back. How could I of missed this. It says "I love you always. -Eric." I couldn't believe it. He actually loved me...

I drove myself to school since know I was a legal licensed driver. When I pulled in my parking spot , Colton waited there for me as he does everyday. "Hey beautiful" he says kissing me on the lips lightly. "Hey handsome" I said locking my arms around his neck. I saw him glance down to my neck and look at my necklace with an E on it. Suddenly look up. "Where did you get that?" he asked. "Oh Eric gave it to me for my birthday." I opened up and showed him the picture of us. I didn't show him the I love you on the back for Eric's safety. Colton was very protective of me. When ever he saw me get kind of close with another guy he would send out a rage of jealousy. "Oh." he said. You can tell he wasn't happy about it but since it was a present he ignored it the best he could. "I love you so much." "I love you more." "That's impossible princess." He kissed me one more time and we headed off into the school. I didn't have any classes with Colton so school was still just school. It's Monday. Great. I had gym 5th period with Eric. He avoided me the whole entire time. Colton actually liked it since he knew Eric had a thing for me. I missed him as a friend though so I tried and fixed the mess that I have made.  The bell rang , I grabbed my gm clothes and headed down to 5th period.

The gym teacher tried something different than he usually does. He would pair us up and do different stations. We would move to a new one every 60 seconds. After he was done explaining he paired us up. "Okay kids go with your partners. "Harry and Madison. Julie with Michael. Ben with Kayla. Ashley with Samantha. Eric with Hailey. And Abby with Olivia." Eric was not happy about this at all. You can tell just by the look on his face. "You might as well get along with your partners guys. You're going to be spending a lot of time together" coach Rob shouted. Eric and I's first station was push-ups. "Okay look you can't stay mad at me forever" I said getting down on the ground to do my push-ups in which I wasn't a fan of. "I'm not mad at you" he said in a serious tone which wasn't usual for Eric. He was always the guy that can make you laugh. "Come on. You never text me back or call me or even take notice to me anymore unless some clueless gym teacher forces you." "I said I'm not mad. I'm happy for you and Colton. He got the girl like he always does so." "Eric please. I'm sorry. I'm miss how close we used to be. Just because I have a boyfriend now doesn't mean we can stop being close friends." "Okay everyone class is over. Go get changed" coach Rob yelled. "Look Hailey, I know this might sound selfish to you but I know that you seen the back of the necklace. I mean't what it says and still do. And I want to be friends. But we can't be best friends like we used to. So that's why I'm giving you a choice. It's me or him. I love you too much just to sit around and watch him make you happy. "I want you to be happy. But if it's not with me, I don't want to watch." he said walking away to the guy's locker room. I didn't know what to do.

After gym I headed off to 6th period. Writing. I had that class with Thomas and sat right next to him. He was the kind of guy you can trust. I told him what Eric told me last period. "Wow that's a important decision you have to make. What are you going to do?" he asked. "I don't know. I love Eric but as a best friend/brother type. I love Colton more than anything. He's all I ever wanted." "Well just keep in mind in the end it's not what others want or think you should do. Decide on who makes you happy and who you want." "Thanks Thomas I love you man" I said giving him a hug. "Aww love you too Hails." After the bell rung we went to lunch.

I sat our usual table. There was a few different seating arrangements. It went me, Colton, Jacob and Bre. Then across Ali ,Thomas Taylor and Anthony. Eric, Joey and his girlfriend sat with the rest of the team at a table in the back of the cafe. "Hey babe how was gym?" Colton asked curious about how things went with Eric. "Uh it was fine." I said hoping he would change the subject. "Did he say anything about me or you?" "Not really." "He didn't try and make a move on you did he?If so I would have to kick his ass." he said with a smile on. "No of course not." "Just making sure. Got to look out for my girl." He gave me a peck on the lips and got up to go get a drink with Thomas. As soon as they left, Bre moved over two seats and stared at me. "I know you are lieing. What did Eric say?" she asked. She always knew when I was lieing. So to save time and a argument I told her everything. Everyone else was listening to. "You guys can't tell Colton. You know how he is. If he found out Eric said he loved me and there was a chance of loosing me he would go balistic." "Your secrete is safe with us" Anthony said with everyone else agreeing. Bre saw Colton and Thomas coming back so she moved back to her seat. "So what were you guys talking about?" Colton asked sipping his Pepsi. "Nothing much just the carnival that is coming around tomorrow" Jacob said. "Thank you" I whispered to him when Colton had his back turned. 'Oh that sounds fun! Wanna go?" he asked me. "Sure I will go." "YES!" You can tell he was excited. Me on the other hand is a different story. Don't get me wrong I want to go it's just I had a lot to think about. But maybe some fun will do me good.

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