Chapter 4: School

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Other than the sound of my alarm, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes woke me up. No one could make them like my dad. After I got dressed and brushed my hair I went down stairs. It's really rare that my dad cooks. "Hey honey good morning" he said standing at the edge of the stove flipping a fluffy stack of chocolate chip pancakes. "Morning. What's the occasion you're making breakfast?" I asked while pouring myself a glass of orange juice."Your mom wasn't feeling the best. She barely slept last night so I thought to make things easier for her I make breakfast." As I scarfed down my pancakes I heard Justin call my name heading towards the front door. I grabbed my books said goodbye t my dad and went off.

When I went to my locker Bre greeted me as I was putting in my combination. "Hey girl thanks so much for coming last night. It was a lot of fun" she said waiting for me to grab my books for 1-4th period. "Thanks for inviting me. We should do it again sometime." "Definitely." Bre and I headed off to first period Reading together.

Lunch time came actually quite fast. We sat down at our usual table. I don't usually eat at lunch. I actually find it a little disgusting to be honest and I don't know why, but today I was surprisingly thirsty. My dad slipped me 5$ on my way out so I went over to the vending machine. Of course the closest one by me was out of order. I had to go all the way out of the lunch room to get to the other one. As I walked out and looked over, there he was. Colton was standing there with two guys. I debated on going over there, but then I realized I was probably just being silly. I'm sure he wouldn't remember me. When I walked over and put my dollar twenty-five in, Colton started walking over to me. "Hey Hailey right?"he said with that adorable little smile of his. "Yep we met yesterday when you trampled over me" I said in a joking manner. "Oh yeah I'm really sorry again." "It's okay I'm still alive aren't I?" we both laughed. "Here come over and meet some of my friends." I didn't want to be rude so I obeyed. "Hailey these are my friends Joey and Anthony." "Pleasure to meet you guys." I said shyly. "Wow Colt she's pretty. You picked a good one." Anthony said smiling. His comment made me blush. "It's really nice to meet you Hailey. Yesterday Colton couldn't stop talking about you" Joey said. "Which is really rare cause he doesn't really like many girls that aren't on the cheer leading team. He's usually really shallow" Anthony said. "You must be an exception then." Which of course caused me to blush uncontrollably."Well we should probably get going guys. Lunch is almost over." Colton said probably feeling a little embarrassed. "See you around Hailey." he said walking away. After that I went back to the table. "Took you long enough girl" Ali said glancing at me. "Sorry there was a lot of people out there" I said. I didn't want to lie to them but I don't know how they would react if I told them I had a crush on a guy any of them couldn't stand. Before they could ask anymore questions the lunch bell rang. Thank God I thought to myself. The rest of the day flew by.

When I got home from school, I could hear my mom coughing. "Were home" Justin shouted. My dad came out of my mother's room with a worried look on his face. "Is mom okay?" I asked concerned. "Yeah she's fine. It's probably just the flu or something. We called the doctor and he can't make it here until morning" my dad said. "She will be fine." I trusted my dad but I don;t know why I just had a feeling it was more than just the flu. I tried putting all negative thoughts aside. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst my aunt Maggie always said.


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