Chapter 21: The Day

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Time flew by. Tomorrow I will be getting married. Everything would change. I love Colton more than anything and he is and will always be the best thing that ever happened to me. Believe it or not everything happens for a reason. If my dad never of gotten a new Job her in Colorado, I would of never of met Colt and all my new friends who I look at as family. As I layed in my room thinking about the events that would take place tomorrow at the alter, I thought of my mom. She always liked Colton. I knew as I would be walking down the aisle tomorrow, I would be making her proud. My dad and brother flew in too of course. They were both happy for me. It was just hard for my dad to see his little girl grow up and get married. Deep down he knew Colton would take care of me and be there when I needed him. I had to get to bed. I didn't want bags under my eyes so I fell asleep with the stuffed animal Eric won me at the fair a while ago.

"Hailey, it's time to get up. Today is the big day." I heard Bre say shaking me to get up. "We have a lot to do today. We don't want to keep your soon to be husband waiting." "Alright alright I'm up." "Good now come down stairs and eat something because after your done, I have to get started on your hair and make-up."

After I was putting my empty plate into the sink I heard the door. Ali and Taylor were here to also help fix me up. "I call doing her hair. I have been dieing to get my hands on it" Ali said. "You have to look hot. Not only for your wedding but for your steamy honeymoon." "Ali. Please." "What Hail I'm just saying.You know it's going to happen. He has you all to himself for 2 weeks and you don't think he is going to get tempted?You kept him waiting this long.." "Can we just drop this whole conversation." "Ali don't make her nervous. This is supposed to be the greatest day of her life. What happens between the two love birds stays between them. How would you like if someone made you talk about your honeymoon with Thomas?" Bre said standing up for me. "Actually I wouldn't mind." "Guys can we just get started already? Taylor said grabbing her curling iron. I agreed with her 100%.

After they were done with my hair and make-up which took them about 2 hours, all of mine and Colton's relatives showed up. "Almost show time" Thomas said poking his head in my room where I was about to put on my dress. "Okay thank you." "Wow Hail you look great" he said with a smile than shut the door. After I put my dress on I asked for a moment alone. "Okay we will be downstairs just come down when your ready." I sat down on my bed in silence. "I'm getting married" I said to myself. After a few minutes of silence I heard a knock on the door. "Sweetie can I come in?" I heard my dad say. "Yeah come on." "Wow you look beautiful sweetheart." "Thank you daddy." "Colton is one lucky guy." "Thank you." "Well I didn't mean to bother you I just wanted to give you this. It was your mother's she wore it on our wedding day." He handed me a blue butterfly hair clip with gems on around the wings. "Dad it's beautiful." "Your mom would be so proud of you right now." I wanted to cry but then I know the girls would yell at me for ruining my make-up, so I just gave my dad a hug. "Well we don't want to keep your fiance waiting now do we." We both stood up and opened the door and walked downstairs. Justin was there and he gave me such a big smile. "You look great sis. Everyone is already in position outside. When ever you're ready." I gave him a hug and he went to go take his seat. My dad was even nervous as we waited for the music to play. "Don't let me fall dad." "Never." The music started playing and we began to walk. My heart was beating so loudly. I was having trouble breathing. Then I looked up and saw Colton standing at the end in his tuxedo looking the happiest I have ever seen him. Eric Thomas Joey and Anthony were beside him. When we got up there Colton took my hand and gave me a precious little smile. We faced each other. We went through the whole ceremony. 

"Do you Colton Rudloff take Hailey Marie as your wife to have and to hold for rich or for poor through sickness and health til death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Hailey Marie take Colton Rudloff as your husband to have and to hold for rich or for poor through sickness and health til death do you part?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Everyone stood up and clapped at me and Colton walked hand and hand. This was so surreal for me. I could not believe it. I have never been so happy. Here I am just a regular girl from Miami. I didn't deserve someone as talented graceful caring and loving as Colton, but I could not wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Everyone got up and we went to the after party.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I can't tell you how much it means. I honestly didn't think that many people would enjoy it but really thank you for reading this long. I am not exactly sure how many chapters this story is going to be so I am just going to write until the story feels completed. So thanks again! Let me know what you think of Chapter 21:) -Tiffany xoxo

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