Chapter 25: It's time

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When I woke up this morning my back was so sore. This kid was killing me and it wasn't even born yet. I did not want to get out of bed for my life. I looked over at the clock and it was 11:00. I heard the door open and then close. "Hey sleepy head. How you feeling?" Colton said all dressed so I know he was going some where. "I'm alright. Why do you look all fancy?" I said sitting up. "Oh Red wants us to come in just for a few hours to work on vocals for the  album. But if you aren't feeling well I will happily stay with you." "No no go ahead I will be fine." "Are you sure? I feel bad with you being here all by yourself." "I won't be I will call James it's all good." I saw him tense up and he stopped smiling. "I don't understand why you don't like him Colt." "Hail of course I like him. I just have the feeling he likes you a little too much." "So he has a crush on me. I'm married to you." "I know I know. I just wish I was the only guy in your life that's all. All my life I had to share everything. So when it comes to you, I want you all to my self." "Well I'm yours.Those girls better keep their hands off you." He grinned and said "Don't worry about them. None of them are you." I gave him a kiss goodbye and he left work. Even with Colton's over protective jealousy, I called James anyway. Colt was right he was happy to come over. We just watched movies on LMN.

During the second movie, I felt Tori kick. The pain was unimaginable. James noticed something was wrong. "Hails what's up is it the baby? Are you okay?Talk to me!!" I felt water down my legs. "James, I think my water just broke." "Oh no you can't be serious. Colton will kill me if I get to see the baby born and he doesn't." "James we have other things to worry about. Call the girls and tell them to meet us at the hospital and I will call the guys. Colton answered pretty fast as I sat in James car ith him driving at a safe but fast speed. 

"Hello babe what's up?"

"Colton, my water just broke. She's coming."

"Oh my god. Babe just hold on I will be at the hospital as fast as I can. Oh my. I am telling you if James gets to see my daughter being born and I don't I am going to kill him."

"Yeah yeah just hurry."

"Okay love you so much bye."

I hung up the phone and James said "See I told you he would kill me." "Just drive."

At the hospital the doctor put me in a room. Just about ready I heard running coming down the hall way. I sighed of relief knowing Colton was going to be there to see. He rushed in the door with the rest of the guys behind him. He had the biggest smile on his face knowing he was going to be a father and that I haven't delivered yet. "Okay thank god I made it" he said coming over and kissing m forehead. "I can't believe we are going to be uncles" Eric said sitting next to me on my right well Colton was standing on my left. "When is the kid coming out?" Thomas asked. "If I knew would I be sitting here right now?" I was really moody. I'm not going to lie. This hurt like a bitch. I just knew it would be worth it. I always wanted a daughter. Ever since I was a little girl. My dad and brother arrived giving me flowers and wishing me luck. It was hard for my dad to believe he was going to be a grandpa, but he was still so happy and so proud. I am so glad my dad and Colton have a better relationship now. We call all finally be a family. A family that Tori deserves. "It's almost time. You guys should probably start clearing out now. Only one person can stay in the room with her" the doctor said getting ready. "Okay man I will let you know how it goes" Eric said grabbing my hand. Colton couldn't even resist smiling. "Oh really? I don't think so. Get out" he said in a joking manner. "This isn't fair my girl wants me here." "First of all she is my girl and I am the husband so I win." "How about we play rock paper scissors?" Eric insisted. Thomas lifted Eric up and took him out of the room. "Good luck Hail" they said as they left. "Are you ready Mrs.Rudloff?" "Yes I am."

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