C1 ~ Christina and Miranda

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~Miranda's PoV~

I woke up earlier than usual which was weird for me. I layed in bed thinking about everything. Senior year, my last year of high school, college, my mom and aunts, how they used to be in a band together. band… maybe, just maybe… I start texting my cousin Christy, knowing she would be up this early, about my idea my absolutely crazy idea.

*15 minutes later - Text messages*

'Christy I'm serious, let's do it.' - M

'I'll do it if you can convince the other girls to do it also' - C

'Done deal, I'll talk about it on the ride to school' - M

'Alright see you in 5' - C

'See ya' - M

"MIRANDA!" My mom yelled.

I was about to respond when Maddie ran in my room.

“Miwandwa?” she asked in her little baby voice

“Yes Mads?” I answered picking her up.

“Awe you weaving me hewe by myswelf?” She looked into my eyes, in the background i could hear my mom calling my name.

“i have to go to school mads, but don't worry Noel will be back soon and you can play with her. In the meantime though you'll be with mom, so go to your room and get ready.” I told her as i walked down stairs.


~Christina's PoV~

"Miranda! Hurry up you're going to be late for school!" I yelled at my 18 year old daughter for the 5th time.

"Sorry mom Maddie wouldn't let me leave the room." Miranda said as she walked into the Kitchen.

"Why your sister is attached to you i will never know, now hurry up Nick left with Nikki Jr 10 minutes ago. Christy, Ariel, Jessie, Hannah and Sydney will be here soon." I handed her a yogurt.

"Why we go to Public school will always dumbfound me, we always are getting crowded by students asking for favors to met you, our parents. You may think its fabulous having famous parents, aunts and uncles but its not." Miranda complains.

"We all agreed that we wanted you guys to have a semi normal life, like we did" I explained

"Oh please when you were my age you guys started your band and were on you way to being Youtube sensations." She rolled her eyes.

I was about to respond when i heard the door open.

"Miranda! Are you ready?" Sydney ran in the kitchen all hyper, just like her mom.

I couldn't help but smile as Sydney tried to drag Miranda out of the kitchen.

"Hold up Syd, Let me grab an apple before i go. Where's Hannah?" Miranda asked

Hannah's Lauren's daughter, Hannah and Sydney are the same age and share the same birthday. No before you jump to conclusions, it was a coincidence, Hannah was born a week late and Sydney was born 2 weeks early. They resemble my sisters, plus they also share that bond that Lauren and Dani had... has, even to this day its like they can read each others minds.

"Bye girls!" I yelled after them as they left the house.


A/N: Ok so the first 6 chapters (this one included) are going to be short. Its going to talk about the Girls plus thier oldest girls. But then the story will be more about the storyline type thing. Well anyways, Dueces baby!

∞ ForeverCimFam ∞

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