C15 ~ Danya... Part 1

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A/N: ok before you read this chapter 3 things.


2. Also i split this into 2 parts the next part will be posted later this week.


3. DON'T KILL  ME FOR WRITING THIS!! Don't worry it hurt me too...



~Dani's PoV~

I laid down next to my husband after a long fun day at the beach with my family. Seeing my sisters and their kids was amazing i couldn't believe that the girls were able to pull all this off overnight. They got Michael and Alex to come back for the rest of the weekend. they get here tomorrow morning!  The events from today played in my head as i fell into a deep sleep.

in the middle of the night, i felt a little discomfort but shrugged it off it wasn't uncommon for me to be uncomfortable considering i'm pregnant. After a few minutes the pain subsided leaving me to fall back asleep.

After a couple more hours the pain was back, and a whole lot worse. i sat up holding my stomach.

“Leo honey, wake up come on!” i said shaking him awake.

“What is it honey?” He asked.

“I don't know i think there's something wrong with the baby”  i responded.

“Ok honey i'll get the kids, you wait in the car.” He said as he jumped out of the bed rushing to the Sydney’s and Leo Jr.’s rooms. Slowly i got out of bed, walking down to  the car. once i sat down i saw Leo run out with LJ and Sydney trailing behind him. Once in the car i had Sydney call my family and have her tell them to meet us at the hospital.

Once we were in the emergency room i felt something trickle down my leg, looking down i saw something i did not want to see.

~Miranda's PoV~

“Miranda! Miranda get up and grab your sister Noel and help wake your brothers up!” My mom yelled waking me up.

“Why what's going on?” I asked as i sat up.

“Dani was rushed to the hospital something is wrong with the baby.” My mom said trying to hold in tears.

“Ok you go a head to the hospital, i'll take dad’s car.” I said.

“Ok thank you.” She said before leaving the room and out of the house. My dad left with my mom leaving me alone to get the kids ready, once they were all in the car i drove immediately to the hospital.

In the hospital almost all of the Cimorelli family was here. I dropped the smaller kids at the Hospitals day care. I sat down next to Christy holding her hand. and we sat there just, waiting for news.

~Dani's PoV~

“Ok Mrs. Howard, you baby is in distress so we are going to need you to push” One of the doctors told me. I was so scared all i could do was nod. “Ok when i tell you to push, push.” she instructed. and again i nodded my head in response.

“Ok Push.” She ordered. As i was pushing i held on to Leo’s hand, giving it a squeeze everyone in a while.

“Ok good push again.” The doctors stated. this went on for another minute or so. My last push it always the hardest. As soon as Danya was out the doctors rushed her to the other side of the room. She was yelling to the nurses and having them run around like crazy. Not once did i hear a cry come from Danya, not even as the Doctors and Nurses stopped doing with whatever they were doing. slowly The doctor, Dr.Reed i think, came over. As soon as the words left her mouth i broke down crying. They asked if we wanted to hold Danya once, both Leo and i agreed. I had Leo hold her first and then sent him to tell my family, i didn't want a stranger to tell them. As i was holding Danya i started crying again and holding her close to me. Before they took her away i kissed her forehead and whispered ‘I love you Danya’ with that they helped me and moved me to a patient room. I cried that's all i could do.

~Leo's PoV~

As Dani was pushing i let her squeeze my hand as hard as she wanted. we’ve been through this twice before but we never experienced one where blood had trickled down Dani’s legs. After what seemed ages they got Danya out, but rushed her to the other side of the room. I didn't have the heart to look at Dani when they came to us and tell us what had happened.

It was like time was standing still, i was slowly walking to the waiting area where my wife's family was sitting waiting for information. As soon as i walked into the room everyone look at me eager for the news. I felt the tears swell up with tears as i began to explain to Dani’s family that we lost her… we lost Danya.

~Hannah's PoV~

As Uncle Leo walked into the room i could already tell what he had to tell us wasn't good news. and i guess i was right. As the words came out of his mouth it was as if we were on a roller coaster. You know right before the big drop its as if the cart has stopped before falling down full speed. Tears and Sobs came from the adults but there was one sob that broke my heart. I turned my head to see my best friend, my sister from another mother, my other half on the floor crying her heart out. I got up from my seat and hugged her. At first she fought back, trying to escape my grasp but i wouldn't let her go. She stopped fight and just pulled me closer and balled her eyes out. It took me a while to process that i was also crying. So i just sat there holding her in my arms as her body shakes with the sobs that escaped her.

~Christina's PoV~

We decided that we should in small groups to see Dani. Our parents went in first then the boys, who got here earlier than expected, the kids decided it wouldn’t be best to go in so it just left me and my sisters. We all slowly walked into the room. Laying in the bed was my sister with a tear streaked face. we all gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“She didn't make it Christina. Danya didn't make it.” Dani said turning to me.

“I know baby-girl but shes in a safe place now.” I said quietly.

“W-Why is she gone Christina?” She asked as tears streamed down her face.

“I don't know, i honestly don't know.” I responded holding her hand.

~Sydney's Pov~

After everyone had come out from visiting my mom i decided i wanted to see her after all. slowly i made my way to her room. I stood in front of the door i could hear my mom crying on the other side of the door. I reluctantly opened the door and saw my mom laying there looking away from the door.

“Mommy?” I said in a quiet voice. She turned around and gave me tiny smile, gesturing for me to come closer. I was standing next to her bed holding her hand. I felt the tears coming up to my eyes again, laying in front of me was something a child should never see. Their mother broken. I couldn't  help it any more and  just gave her a hug. She pulled me on the bed so that i was laying next to her. All we did was lay there hugging and crying.

“I love you Mommy.” I whispered as i fell asleep trying to take over me.

“I love you too Sydney.” My mom whispered back. That being the last thing i heard as i fell into dreamland.

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