C27 ~ Album!!

472 22 4

*One Year Later*

~3rd Person~

“Heyo!” The 6 cousins yelled into the webcam.

“As you guys know our album comes out tomorrow!” Ariel squealed.

“haha, i know we are crazy excited too!” Jessie laughed after reading a couple of the comments.

“Tomorrow we will be at Kline Music’s buying our personal album!” Hannah chimed in.

“but thats not all we are doing!” Christy hummed.

“WE are doing a signing! So come by and see us!” Miranda smiled.

“We will also be doing a live webchat at the time!” Sydney yelled.

“We hope to see you there!” The 6 cousins yelled before Aurora turned the camera off.

“TOMORROWS THE ALBUM!!” Hanney screamed at the same time, causing all the girls to laugh.

That night the girls stayed up and blasted music having the time of their lives.

*Time Skip*

“Well hello there how may i help you?” The desk clerk asked as the disguised cousins walked in to the store.

“Hi, we would like to buy the new Cimorelli 2.0 album.” Miranda smiled.

“Of course, come this way” He ushered them back to the front where somehow they missed was a huge rack filled with thier album.

“Wow!” Sydney said in awe.

“We heard they were going to be here doing a signing so we went all out.” The desk clerk explained.

“Do you know when their coming?” Jessie asked trying to hold in her laughter.

“Nope, they didn't say in their video.” The desk clerked sighed.

“Have you bought the album yet?” Ariel asked.

“Oh ya, i bought it as soon as i walked in this morning.” She smiled.

“Would you like us to sign it?” Christy said with a tiny smile.

“Why would… wait…” The desk clerk said, finally realizing who they were.

“So i'm going to take that as a yes?” Sydney laughed. The girls took off their disguises causing the desk clerk to squeal.

“Of course!!” She smiled.

*Time Skip*

The girls have been live chatting and signing for 5 hours, but sadly it was time for them to leave. Waving good bye to their fans they pack up and head to their car. Driving away they blast their Album on the stereo. None of them could believe they were making it big, it came to them as a surprise. They are actually doing it. They have succeeded.


Sorry its crappy and short, really short but i didnt know how to write this chapter lol. I hope you enjoyed it though!

QotU: What is your lucky number?

My Anwser: 12 Always has been always will be, even though when i was 12 it wasnt a very good year. lol

Have a good night everyone!! <3


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