C10 ~ SURPRISE! - *Special Chap.*

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*Same time while ‘Cimorelli 2.0’ is filming*

~ Christina‘s PoV~

I was sitting in my bed when i heard singing, i slowly walked down the stairs so i wouldn't ruin anything and saw Miranda, and her cousins standing in front of a camera singing. I recognized the song, its one of Demi’s songs. I quickly pulled out my phone and took a video. I sent the video through a group text to my sisters, then it dawned on me to text Demi.

To: Demi

“Hey girl! guess what!?”

From: Demi

CHICKEN BUTT!! :D jkjk i don't know what?

To: Demi

LOL, well you know my daughter and her cousins?

From: Demi

Kath, Lisa, Ames, LoLo, Dan’s kids?

To: Demi

YA! well the oldest, the girls, well they are starting a BAND!!

From: Demi

REALLY?! aww just like their mothers! you must be so proud!

To: Demi

I am, they are currently working on their first cover <3

From: Demi

Aww! what song are they covering!?

To: Demi

That's actually why i texted you! They're doing you song ‘So Far So Great’ you theme song for your TV show you where on!

From: Demi

OMG! I feel honored! you should send me the link once they upload it!

To: Demi

Of course! want a sneak preview?

From: Demi


To: Demi

Ok, here it is *Video*

From: Demi

OMG they take after their mothers! they are excellent!

To: Demi

I know right!

From: Demi

I got to go but don't forget to send me the link girly!

To: Demi

Wouldn't dream of it. Talk to you later!

I smiled putting my phone in my pocket, i look into the Studio and they're goofing around. I smile remembering the times with my sisters. Our daughters are following in our foot steps, and i'm so proud.

*Sunday Morning*

~Ariel‘s PoV~

I groggily get out of bed, surprised no one has come in here and woke me up. I look at the clock and it reads ‘6:00’ wow I'm up early! I decide to check on the video, i finished editing it and posted it last night. I open my laptop and log on to the bands account. I take a look at the number of views and like, i rub my eyes and gasp. I run out of the house and down the street. i couldn't contain my happiness and did a scream of joy before getting to the house i was running to. I pull out my keys and unlock it, sneaking up the stairs to her room. I saw her laying in her bed peacefully sleeping.

Cimorelli Second GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now