C16 ~ Danya... Part 2

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A/N: Ok quick authors note before the chappy.

I HAVE RUN OUT OF IDEAS TO WRITE ABOUT THE NEXT CHAPTER SO IF YOU CAN GIVE ME SOME IDEAS?!  Well... i have an idea but its too soon in the story for it... but what should happen next?

Welp, i hope you like this chappy...


~Miranda's PoV~

Its been a couple days since Aunt Dani came back from the hospital, she hasn't really talked to anyone and Sydney’s no better. Sydney is shutting everyone but Dani out, she’s even shut Hannah out and she only leaves her room to eat. Tomorrow is the funeral for Danya, but today the girls and i decided to do an intervention.

*knock knock*

“Hey aunt Dani, is Sydney in her room?” I asked when she opened the door.

“Ya she is, go ahead and go on up girls. good luck trying to get her out though.” Dani sighed. At least shes doing better but i think it might be for the fact that our moms dropped everything to help her. After walking up to the door all the girls looked at me waiting for me to make my move.

“Hey Sydney open up?” I asked through the door. Silence.

“Come on Sydney its just us.” Ariel intervenes. still nothing.

“Please Sydney open the door?” Christy asked. no response.

“Sydney i swear if you don't open this door i will knock it down.” Jessie threatened

“Syd, please please please open the door? Pretty please? I miss you.” Hannah asked tears running down her cheeks. Shes been like this since Sydney shut her out. Seeing Sydney like this has hurt her the most.

~Sydney’s PoV~

Hearing Hannah breakdown on the opposite side of the door broke my already broken heart even more. I slowly walked to the door and unlocked it. Putting my hand on the door knob i slowly opened the door only to be met by a crying Hannah. I pulled her into a hug as she cried. I felt the tears well up in my eyes knowing i caused this pain.

“I missed you too.” I whispered in her ear. Which caused her to sob even more. eventually we pulled away and i gave the other girls a hug before we walked into my room.

~Hannah’s PoV~

I couldn't stop myself from crying when Sydney hugged me, and when she said she missed me it pushed me to edge and i couldn't stop. after she hugged the others we walked into her room, now for the intervention.

“Sydney we are worried about you.” Miranda stated as she sat in front of Sydney.

“Ya, we want to help you but you're shutting us out.” Christy said. i started to zone out once Christy said shutting us out. I noticed that the girls were not getting through to Sydney.

“Girls can i talk to Sydney alone?” I asked.

“Ok Hannah, well be in the living room.”  Ariel said pushing Miranda out, who you can tell was going to protest.

“Syd? Look at me. please?” i begged her. Slowly she looked at me, her eyes were so dull and lifeless. “Its ok to be upset syd, but you got to stop blaming yourself its not your fault that Danya didn't make it.” I said softly holding her hand while looking in her eyes.

“I was jealous of her Hannah, i was a selfish sister, i hated her before she was even born?! What kind of sister am i? a terrible one. She shouldn't have died, she shouldn't be dead right now. She should be here in this very room laying in the crib. SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ALIVE NOT DEAD!” Sydney ranted before breaking down. I held her close to me letting her sob in to my shirt. After she calmed down a while i wiped away her tears.

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