Chapter 2: Meet me Tonight

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Marinette wanted to get Plagg away from Adrien so she could talk to him. But how would she do it? Kwamiis were always with their owners...

She decided that her best chance of talking to him was to slip him a note.

Only 2 minutes left until school ended. She knew she needed to work fast. Mari began writing:

Dear Plagg,

We need to talk.

Meet me tonight at the Eiffel Tower.



"That should do it!" she whispered.

Alya looked over at her. "Marinette what are you doing? Slipping love letters to Adrien??" Alya said with a dreamy look in her eye.

"Oh uh--uh yep!" Mari said. She didn't want anyone to know about her love for Plagg. At least, not yet.

Marinette decided that unless Plagg smelled the note he wouldn't come out from Adrien's jacket and find it. So she sprayed perfume on it.

She leaned over her desk and dropped the note on the bench next to Adrien.

Plagg smelled it and popped out of Adrien's jacket just in time. Right after he picked up the note the bell rang.

He looked up at Marinette and she winked at him.

Plagg went back in Adrien's jacket and read the note.

Meet me at the Eiffel Tower?? Plagg thought. Well then, looks like I have a date tonight!

He just needed to figure out how to sneak away from Adrien.

Plagginette: A Love more Delicate than Camembert -Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now