Chapter 14: I Understand Now

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"I knew that you liked her!" Master Fu said and pumped a fist in the air. He high-fived Wayzz and started to dance. Wayzz tapped Master Fu and got him to look at Adrien's tear-streaked face. "Oh, uh perhaps now is not the time," Master Fu said apologetically. "What do you mean she's gone?"

Adrien looked up sadly at Master Fu. "Hawkmoth transformed into Cat Noir and used cataclysm on her." Adrien's lip trembled. "All that was left of her were these." He dropped the ladybug earrings and the monkey anklet into Master Fu's hand. "Oh. And take this. It didn't work." Adrien held the ram cufflinks out to Master Fu.

"You tried to heal her?"

"Yes. But maybe I did it wrong." Adrien wiped a tear from his face.

Master Fu stroked his beard after grabbing the cufflinks from Adrien. "It's because only the ladybug miraculous can undo cataclysm. That is one of the reasons why both holders are needed. There needs to be good luck and bad luck to balance each other out. Creation and destruction..." Master Fu put a hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Marinette and Adrien."

Adrien smiled, thinking about Marinette and the memories they had created and shared together. Suddenly he had an idea.

"How's Tick Tock? What if I use the ladybug miraculous and bring Marinette back?" Adrien inquired, a tone of hope in his voice.

Master Fu opened his satchel and Tikki flew out. The Kwamii had a bandage around her head and a miniature cast on one of her feet but over-all she was better. The small, red, creature flew up close to Adrien's face.

"My name is not Tickles, or Tic Tac or Tickety Tock. My name is Tikki and it is a pleasure to finally meet you, Adrien." Tikki bowed and Adrien bowed back.

"As you can see, Tikki is feeling much better, but she is not completely healed..." Master Fu's voice trailed off.

Adrien held out a hand and Tikki sat down in it. "Are you feeling well enough to transform and do lucky charm, uh, Tikki?" the boy asked.

Tikki put a hand up to her bandaged head. "I don't think I am quite there Adrien. But I will do anything to bring my friend Marinette back."

Adrien thought for a moment. "Wait a minute...Hawkmoth was always trying to get both miraculouses, right? Well, I know for a fact that my dad's ears aren't pierced. There must be a way to use both miraculous' power at once without wearing both of them." Adrien said excitedly.

Tikki looked up at him with big eyes. "Adrien, you realize that whoever possesses both miraculouses at once will be the most powerful force in the world. Nobody can handle that kind of power!"

"I could." Gabriel Agreste said as he slowly sat up, just waking from his deep coma-like sleep and standing up to join the others as if he were a part of the conversation.

Adrien saw this and was filled with rage. "Father, don't you understand? Marinette is gone. We need to bring her back. You took away the girl I--" he stopped himself right there. No need to reveal his personal feelings to his cold-hearted father. Gabriel didn't understand love.

Adrien looked down at Tikki and then at Master Fu before continuing. His gaze returned to the face of his father. "It isn't about you taking over the world or even taking over Paris. It's about saving the world. We can't do that without Marinette. I'm not letting you get in the way of my life anymore." Adrien took the Moth miraculous out of his pocket and handed it to Master Fu who gratefully accepted it.

"You don't deserve to even have any power!" Adrien angrily said to Gabriel.

Adrien turned his back on Gabriel and Tikki flew out of Adrien's hand and onto his shoulder. This enabled Adrien to fold his arms in a protest saturated with teenage angst. Tikki hugged Adrien's head to try and comfort him.

Gabriel put his hand on Adrien's other shoulder. "Son. I didn't want the miraculouses to take over the world." He looked down sadly. "I didn't know you felt this way, but, I understand what you're feeling because...well...there is someone whom I want to bring back too." The man said quietly.

Adrien turned around, understanding it all now. "I'm so sorry, Father. I didn't realize that all this time you were just trying to find Mom."

"It's my fault,  Adrien. I abused my power. I should not have treated you the way I did. I took advantage of Noo Roo. I took advantage of my powers by pretending to be Luka and poking around at your school until I discovered who held the miraculouses." He looked down ashamed. "I hurt the one you love. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself."

Adrien blushed but said, "It all makes sense now, Father." Adrien hugged his father who hugged him back. "I wish I would have known, I could have helped you."

"I'm sorry, son. I should have realized how terrible I was acting. You know I would never want to hurt you. I'm so sorry." Gabriel started crying and he hugged Adrien closer. "I'm so so sorry, son."

Adrien started crying too.

Master Fu wiped away a tear as did Wayzz and Tikki.

Adrien broke the hug. "Father, tell us how to bring back Marinette and Mom. Please."

Gabriel wiped a tear off of his face. "Of course, son. We need, the ladybug kwamii..."

"Here!" Tikki said happily while raising a small hand.

Gabriel smiled down at her. "Perfect. Next, we need the cat kwamii." Gabriel looked around. "Where is your kwamii, Adrien?"

Adrien's face paled and he felt his heart sink. "He'"

Adrien took in a deep breath.

"He's missing, Father."  

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