Chapter 19: Meet Me at 3:05

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Adrien was just glad that he made it to school on time even after going to bed after midnight.

Marinette, of course, was late. Adrien couldn't help but smile when she ran into the classroom during Miss Bustier's lesson. Although Miss Bustier's back was against the wall as Marinette snuck into her seat next to Alya, the teacher knew she had just arrived.

Still writing on the chalkboard, back turned, Miss Bustier scolded Marinette.

"That's a Saturday detention, Miss Dupain-Cheng."

Marinette winced at being found out.

"Yes, Ma'am," Marinette said with a sigh.

Plagg popped his head out of Adrien's jacket at the sound of Marinette's voice, and Adrien pushed him back in with one finger.

Plagg poked his head out again, only for Adrien to push him in again and fold his arms, blocking the kwamii's escape.

The rest of the day went on as usual until just before the final bell rang when Marinette slipped a note to Adrien.

Adrien scowled before reading it.

What does she want?

Adrien opened the paper scrap to find out. It read:

Leave Plagg here after school, I need to talk to him.


Adrien sighed sadly and wrote a note on the back of the scrap of paper.

Only if you leave Tikki as collateral.


He then passed it to Marinette who sighed after reading it. She then scribbled another note at the bottom of her first one. The note was slid back to Adrien who read the one-word message:


Adrien sat back in his seat, satisfied with himself. He then decided to reply to Marinette's note by saying:

Meet by my locker at 3:05.

He slipped the note to her just before the 3:00 bell rang.

Marinette read the note as everyone filed out of the room eager to get home.

She sank back in her chair realizing that Adrien was making things harder than she wanted them to be.


Adrien was waiting at his locker when he checked his watch which read: 3:04.

Am I making this too easy? He wondered. Nah... haha the Tikki as collateral thing was pretty genius.

3:05 and no sign of Marinette.

Where is she?

Adrien began putting his books into his locker, trying to look busy.

3:06...let me guess, she'll be late.

Plagg popped out, "what's this all about Adrien? Let's go home. I'm starving!"

"No, Plagg," he whispered.

Plagg flew out into the open air, and luckily nobody was around.

"Tell meeee," the kwamii whined.

"Shut up," Adrien said as he checked his phone for texts. There weren't any.

3:07, she's not coming. Sure she is, it's been like two minutes. Patience.

Adrien leaned against his locker. Plagg mimicked him.

"Tell me what's going on, Adrien."

"Seriously, Plagg, just shut up," Adrien said with high tones of annoyance in his voice. Adrien turned his head away and checked his watch.

3:08. She's not here yet...

Adrien hardly noticed when Marinette appeared next to him at 3:09. She even made him a jump a little, but he wouldn't admit it.

"There you are," Adrien said. No use in flattery, it's best to just get to the point.

"Hi, sorry I'm late."

"It's fine, I figured you would be."

Marinette giggled. "Do you have Plagg?"

"Right here," Adrien shoved Plagg toward Marinette.

"And Tikki?"

Marinette opened her purse and Tikki flew out.

"Great thanks," Adrien said. "I've gotta get home, I have a lot to do. So I'll see you later." he turned to walk away but then added, "Text me when you want to swap back. Let's go, Tikki." Adrien said and Tikki followed him out of the locker room.

Marinette was left alone with Plagg.

Just what she wanted. Adrien thought as he looked back longingly.


"I thought you had a lot to do," Tikki playfully chided Adrien, who was laying on his bed reading a manga.

"I don't." Adrien sighed. "I just couldn't stand to be around the two of them any longer. I wanted Marinette to think I couldn't care less and that I was super busy." 

Adrien sighed and put down his book. Hands folded on his chest he looked over at Tikki who was sitting on his extra pillow. 

"Why do you think she loves him? I thought we had a history together. I always thought that we were...soulmates." He looked across his room toward his big window.

"Adrien, I'm sure it's not what we think." Tikki tried to sound hopeful.

Adrien turned over so he was facing Tikki.

"I just...." he sighed. "Tikki, I really love Marinette, even if I don't want to. It hurts to think that after all we've been through she would just stop caring..." he paused before adding. "I think that once she found out I was Cat Noir she stopped liking me."

Tikki thought for a moment.

"Adrien, even if that's true, you were the one who saved her yesterday. You are her other half. Just give her time. She has to sort this out on her own."

"I guess you're right Tikki." Adrien smiled. "I wish you were my kwamii. Plagg is a total jerk. At least you really care."

Tikki smiled, "Of course I care Adrien, and Plagg cares too, even if he doesn't show it." she thought for a moment. "I probably shouldn't tell you this but Marinette really was head over heels for you. I'm sure that those feelings wouldn't just go away. Hang in there, she'll come around"

Adrien smiled a little before saying, "Thanks, Tikki...let's hope." 

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