Chapter 20: I don't love him anymore.

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Adrien woke up to the sound of his alarm clock -which was soon silenced.

"Good morning, Tikki," the boy said between yawns.

Adrien sat up, stretched, and walked over to his couch but to his surprise, Tikki was gone.

"What?" he said while frantically lifting up pillows.

"Looking for me?" a tiny voice said.

Adrien spun around, "oh thank goodness, I thought you were kidnapped by my dad or something, Tikki."

But just after he said it, he realized that the voice he had heard didn't belong to Tikki.


Marinette was early to school for the first time in her life. Not just on time, no, she was actually 3 minutes early.

"What's going on girl?" Alya asked Marinette who leisurely sat down at her desk.

"I'm a new woman today, Alya," Marinette said with a smile.

Adrien walked in then fist bumped Nino who was already in the classroom. He then walked past Marinette's desk without saying a word.

"What's up with Adrien?" her friend with the giant mole on her forehead asked.

Marinette looked at the boy suspiciously, "I'm not sure, Alya. I think I'm going to talk to him after school."

Alya was in the middle of poking her mole when what Marinette said fully registered.

"You? Talk to Adrien?" Alya burst out laughing. "By talk you mean bleh bleh bleh," Alya said before she pretended to trip.

"Stop it Alya, I can handle this," Marinette said with a giggle.

"Settle down class" Miss Bustier said just before the bell rang.


Students rushed out of the classroom as the final bell rang. It was officially the weekend. Alya ran to grab hands with Nino, and Luka grabbed the hand of Kagami.

Marinette tried to go against the current and find Adrien but she was getting swallowed up the in the crowd of students.

Just when she thought she would drown in the pool of running adolescents she tripped and fell.

Marinette closed her eyes and braced for impact, but something caught her. She opened one eye to take a peek. Not something but someone had caught her.


Marinette gasped as she looked into Adrien's eyes.

He hurried and helped her up then turned to leave.

"Wait, Adrien."

He kept walking but turned his head around, "Yeah?" by now they were the only two left in the whole school.

Marinette chased after him, "Adrien...I uh...well..." Marinette stopped and stomped her foot. "Why do you have such an attitude today?"

"I don't have an attitude, you're the one who is yelling at me," Adrien said passively and kept walking.

"I'm yelling because I don't understand why you're being so cold!"

Adrien stopped in his tracks and dropped his backpack. "You're the one who has been cold, Marinette. I hope you had a good date with Plagg last night before you swapped him with Tikki. We agreed we would text each other when you wanted to switch. I thought Tikki was kidnapped when I woke up and she was gone! Turns out Plagg was just there acting like his usual jerky self!"

Plagg flew out of Adrien's bag followed Tikki who flew out of Marinette's purse and into a different room. They didn't want to be apart of an argument.

"I did not have a date with Plagg! I just wanted to talk to him! I had to tell him something important but as soon as I told him I sent him back to get Tikki!"

"Well, what was so important that you couldn't text me about it!"

"I had to tell him that I--" Marinette stopped mid-sentence

"That you what?!" Adrien asked exasperatedly.

"That, that I..."

"What is it Marinette?"

Marinette said nothing.

"I'm leaving." Adrien picked up his backpack and started to walk away.

"I had to tell him that...THAT I LOVE YOU! OK?"

"SEE I KNEW YOU LOVED HIM!" Adrien said as he turned around.


"THEN WHO?" Adrien's question echoed in the school.

A tear ran down Marinette's face. "You," she whispered.

Adrien's backpack fell out of his hand.

"Me?" he asked quietly.

"I don't love him anymore, Adrien. I was blind. You saved me while Plagg just ran away like a coward. I thought I loved Plagg but I don't. I love you, I have ever since you gave me your umbrella." Marinette started crying.

Adrien put his arms around Marinette who hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry, Marinette," Adrien said with tears in his eyes.

"No, Adrien, I'm the one who's sorry."

"No, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you how I felt sooner. I should have just been honest with you. I love you, Marinette."

Marinette stopped crying and looked up into Adrien's eyes.

"I-I I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything," Adrien said as he hugged her even tighter. "I know how you feel."

Plagg and Tikki peeked out the door to the science lab they were in.

"I guess it all worked out, huh Tikki?"

"Yes, Plagg. I think it did!"

"So you're not mad at me?" Plagg asked smiling at Tikki.

"Oh, Plagg. I'm not mad at you, I'm furious. Just wait until I tell Master Fu what you did!" Tikki said happily.

"Why are you suddenly sticking up for Marinette? She tried to kill you!" Plagg asked Tikki.

Before long the two Kwamiis were arguing, but apparently, that's just what you do when you're in love. 


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