Chapter 8: the Root of Misfortune

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Breathless and panting Adrien burst through the door of the Dupain Bakery. Of course Tom and Sabine, Marinette's parents, were glad to see him because they shipped him with Marinette.

"Hi, Adrien dear!" Sabine said.

"H- h- h" Adrien started wheezing, "Pla plagg". he bent down and placed his hands on his knees. His face bright red, his designer clothes covered in sweat.

"Oh no, he's completely out of breath and dehydrated! Let's get him some water." Tom said.

Sabine took Adrien upstairs to the house portion of the building and laid him down on the couch.

"Here sweetie, drink this." Sabine gave Adrien some water and Adrien drank it.

A few minutes later when Adrien was back to normal he remembered why he was here. "Is Marinette here?" He choked out.

Sabine told him that she was up in her room and that he could head up there.

"Thank you, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien said and walked up the stairs to Mari's room. He was not prepared for what he would find inside. _________________________________________________________________________

Marinette was nearly dying of fright inside the potato sack.

All she could taste was dirt. All she could see was darkness. All she could feel was the itch of burlap against her pale, pale skin. All she could smell was her own stress-sweat. All she could hear was the sound of the car she was riding in being taken far away from the Eiffel Tower.

"Plagg!" She wanted to call out. But she couldn't-- for a leftover potato was stuck in her mouth.

Finally, after what seemed like 15 minutes, because that's about how long it took to get to their destination, the car stopped.

Marinette was picked up and carried. She couldn't see a thing but I'm just going to tell you what happened even though Marinette didn't know.

Marinette was taken into a mansion and thrown on the floor in a secret room.

Finally the potato sack was untied and lifted off of her. She spit the potato out of her mouth and it hit someone in the foot. Marinette adjusted her eyes to the light and looked up to see her kidnapper.

"LUKA?!" She screamed out.

"MMM MMMMMMM!!!!" someone said from a closet.

"That's um just the maid vacuuming..." Luka said and looked around nervously.

"WHERE.... is PLAGG?" Marinette asked defiantly. 

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