Chapter 17: Golden Boy

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The kwagatama necklace began to glow bright and golden. Adrien felt a power surge through him starting at his toes and going up to his head. He was transformed into a golden colored version of Cat Noir, his bell replaced by the kwagatama which was also now gold-colored. His green eyes shone brightly in contrast against his now-golden mask.

"No way..." Cat Noir said in disbelief as he looked down at his golden catsuit-clad arms and legs.

"Adrien, do you know what to do now?" Master Fu asked anxiously.

"I think so, Master," Cat Noir said, not entirely sure of himself.

"Remember, you have all of Ladybug's powers as well as all of Cat Noir's while using the kwagatama. However, when you're not wearing Ladybug's earrings, you are limited and cannot obtain new powers." Master Fu added, "But, you will transform back at a slower rate."

"Understood, Master."

Gabriel stared in disbelief, wishing for just a moment that he could have used this power.

It's not about me right now. He chided himself.

Adrien walked over to where Luka was lying on the ground and checked his pulse.

He was still alive, however, he was in a coma.

"Lucky charm!" Cat Noir said.

A Magic object appeared in the air and then fell into Cat's hands. "An MP3 player? What am I supposed to do with this?"

Cat Noir looked around, understanding how Ladybug felt to use the lucky charm. He spotted Luka's ear, and then spied some earbuds on the floor of the closet.

Luka must have dropped them when he was in there.

Cat Noir grabbed the earbuds, plugged them into the MP3 player and stuck the earbud into Luka's ear. He then hit play on the only song on the device, a heavy metal song by Luka's favorite band.

Luka woke up slowly and looked around. Suddenly his memories flooded back and his brain registered who was standing over him.

"Cat Noir!" Luka said excitedly. "You did come to save me!"

"Of course I came, Luka. I had heard of music waking people from a coma, but I can't believe it's real." Cat Noir unplugged the earbuds and handed them to the slightly older teen.

Luka started laughing then suddenly his smile faded.

"The last thing I remember, me and Marinette were fighting. Is she ok?"

Cat Noir's heart sank, but he didn't want Luka to worry anymore.

"I'm going to run you home, Luka." Cat Noir said to reassure the blue-haired boy. "Marinette is going to be just fine," he said to reassure himself.

Luka's face showed signs of relief as he got on Cat's back for a kittyback ride. (lol) Cat Noir nodded to Master Fu to tell him that he knew what to do now just before he jumped out the window and flew through the Paris night-sky on his staff.


"Thanks, Cat Noir," Luka said as he hopped off the Cat's back. "And take care of Marinette, ok?"

"I will, Luka...and thanks for helping her earlier today." Cat Noir gave him a quirky two-finger salute and a smile before running off into the night.

Luka watched Cat Noir disappear into the night and then headed into his houseboat hoping that he wouldn't get in trouble for heading home so late.


Cat Noir landed on the Eiffel Tower which was shining brightly against the dark night.

I can't think of a better place to do this.

He took a deep breath and threw the MP3 player into the air as he shouted, "lucky charm!"

Cat Noir marveled at the golden light exploding into the Paris sky.

Please work. I don't think I can live another moment without Marinette.

Suddenly a life form began to slowly appear on the ground beside him. Cat Noir knelt down and whispered, "Plagg, Tikki, divide."

Golden magic swept up Adrien's entire self, starting from his feet up to his head until he was once again Adrien Agreste. The kwagatama was split into two pieces which Adrien caught before they fell to the ground. He pocketed both pieces and felt Ladybug's earrings while doing so

The green-eyed boy looked anxiously at the reappearing personage. Tikki and Plagg grabbed hands and nervously watched as the person began to slowly reappear.

"Marinette?" Adrien whispered, hoping with all of his heart that his soulmate would come back.

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